open_file_under_cursor.vim: Open file under cursor when pressing gf pathogen.vim: Manage your vim runtimepath snipmate.vim: snipmate.vim aims to be a concise vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features in Vim ale: Syntax and lint checking for vim (ALE requires NeoVim...
Tagbar is a Vim plugin that provides an easy way to browse the tags of the current file and get an overview of its structure. It does this by creating a sidebar that displays the ctags-generated tags of the current file, ordered by their scope. This means that for example methods in C+...
-> 检查当前文件格式 (check the format of current file) 如果改变格式,直接:w存档就会存成新的格式了。 加密(encryption) vim可以给文件加密码 vim -x 文件名 (filename) -> 输入2次密码,保存后文件每次都会要密码才能进入 (encrypt the file with password) vim 处理加密文件的时候...
sections = { lualine_a = { { 'filename', file_status = true, -- Displays file status (readonly status, modified status) newfile_status = false, -- Display new file status (new file means no write after created) path = 0, -- 0: Just the filename -- 1: Relative path -- 2:...
:GV?: fills the location list with the revisions of the current filemap o / <cr> on a commit to display the content of it o / <cr> on commits to display the diff in the range O: opens a new tab instead gb: for:Gbrowse ]]: and [[ to move between commits .: to start comman...
选项fileds 用于指定每条标记的扩展字段域 extra 选项用于增加额外的条目:f表示为每个文件增加一个条目, q为每个类增加一个条目 1.5 配置.vimrc "---display--- set nu "行号 syntaxon"语法高亮 set ruler "显示当前行和列setshowcmd "显示部分命令 set showmode "最后一行显示当前模式 "set...
current positionsetrulerletg:pymode_breakpoint_cmd='import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # XXX BREAKPOINT'""Heightofthe command barsetcmdheight=2"禁止生成临时文件setnobackupsetnoswapfilesetwrap"golangsetrtp+=$GOPATH/src/"autocmd BufferWritePost,FileWritePost *.go ...
s:csfile echo cmd echo system(cmd) if filereadable(s:csfile) let cmd = "cs add " . s:csfile execute cmd echo "** CS updated **" else call Warning("** Failed to update CS **") endif call UpdateSetting(a:path) endfunction """ " Cleanup before vim exit autocmd VimLeavePre *...
vim -c cmd file: 在打开文件前,先执行指定的命令; vim -r file: 恢复上次异常退出的文件; vim -R file: 以只读的方式打开文件,但可以强制保存; vim -M file: 以只读的方式打开文件,不可以强制保存; vim -y num file: 将编辑窗口的大小设为num行; ...
open_file_under_cursor.vim: Open file under cursor when pressing gf pathogen.vim: Manage your vim runtimepath snipmate.vim: snipmate.vim aims to be a concise vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features in Vim syntastic: Syntax checking hacks for vim vim-commentary: Comme...