date -u -> 将外部命令date -u的结果输入在vim的第三行中 (read the date -u, and append result to 3rd line of file) :w !wc -> 将vim的内容交给外部指令来处理。这里让wc来处理vim的内容 (send vim’s file to external command. this will send the current file to wc command) vim对于常用...
The first query file on runtimepath will be used (see :h treesitter-query). If you want to make a query on the user config extend other queries instead of replacing them, see :h treesitter-query-modeline-extends.If you want to completely override a query, you can use :h vim.tree...
This will print out various debug information for the current file. Useful to see what compile commands will be used for the file if you're using the semantic completion engine. The:YcmCompletercommand This command can be used to invoke completer-specific commands. If the first argument is of...
|gF| gF start editing the file whose name is under the cursor and jump to the line number following the filename. |gg| gg 1 cursor to line N, default first line |gd| gd 1 go to definition of word under the cursor in current function |gD| gD 1 go to definition of word under th...
[cmd]:除 :global 命令之外的任何 Ex 命令,Vim 缺省使用 :print 命令,缩写为 :p。 例如: :g/pattern# 查找并显示文件中所有包含模式 pattern 的行,并移动到最后一个匹配处:g/pattern/p# 查找并显示文件中所有包含模式 pattern 的行:g/\<pattern\>/p# 查找并显示文件中所有精确匹配单词 pattern 的行:g...
--to-latest :将偏移量重置为最新偏移量。...--shift-by :重置偏移量,将当前偏移量移动“n”,其中“n”可以是正数或负数。...--from-file :将偏移量重置为 CSV 文件中定义的值。--to-current :将偏移量重置为当前偏移量。...--by-duration :将偏移量重置为从当前时间戳开始按持续时间偏移。格式:'...
filename=$1 if [ -f $filename ]; then echo 1 else echo 0 fi } # 判断目录是否存在 function is_exist_dir() { dir=$1 if [ -d $dir ]; then echo 1 else echo 0 fi } #备份原有的.vimrc文件 function backup_vimrc_file() { old_vimrc=$HOME"/.vim...
vim提供了:make来编译程序,默认调用的是make, 如果你当前目录下有makefile,简单地:make即可。 如果你没有make程序,你可以通过配置makeprg选项来更改make调用的程序。 如果你只有一个abc.Java文件,你可以这样设置:
:python<<EOFfromvimimportcurrentforiinrange(len(current.buffer)):current.buffer[i]=str(i+1)+' '+current.buffer[i]EOF 外部命令 使用外部命令如findstr,sed,diff,perl,python等为文本添加序号: :%!findstr/N"^":%!sed=|sed"N;s/\n/ /":%!diff--line-format=%dn%L%-:%!perl-pe"print ++...