api.nvim_buf_get_name(buf)) if ok and stats and stats.size > max_filesize then return true end end, -- Setting this to true will run `:h syntax` and tree-sitter at the same time. -- Set this to `true` if you depend on 'syntax' being enabled (like for indentation). -- ...
Open bufexplorer to see and manage the current buffers (<leader>o):map <leader>o :BufExplorer<cr>Open ctrlp.vim plugin to quickly find a file or a buffer (<leader>j or <ctrl>f):" Quickly find and open a file in the CWD let g:ctrlp_map = '<C-f>' " Quickly find and open ...
a:rev) else call Warning("No source control") endif endfunction " View blame result of current file command -nargs=0 Blame call Blame(expand("%")) function Blame(filename) let pos = getpos(".") if g:wd_type == "git" call CmdInTmpFile("git blame " . a:filename) elseif g:...
" 不设定在插入状态无法用退格键和 Delete 键删除回车符setcmdheight=1" 设定命令行的行数为1setlaststatus=2"显示状态栏(默认值为1,无法显示状态栏)setstatusline=\%<%F[%1*%M%*%n%R%H]%=\%y\%0(%{&fileformat}\%{&encoding}\%c:%l/%L%)\ " 设置在状态行显示的信息setfoldenable " 开启折叠"...
sudo apt-getinstallvim vim-scriptsvim-doc vim-scripts是vim的一些基本插件,包括语法高亮的支持、缩进等等。 整体配置好后效果如下: 1 ctags + taglist安装配置 1.1 ctag作用 ctags 最先是用来生成C代码的tags文件,后来扩展成可以生成各类语言的tags, 有些语言也有专有的tags生成工具(比如java的jtags, python的 ...
set statusline+=%{&fileformat}] "file formatsetstatusline+=%=" right align "setstatusline+=%2*0x%-8B\" current char set statusline+=0x%-8B\ "current charsetstatusline+=%-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %<%P" offset if filereadable(expand("~/vimfiles/plugin/vimbuddy.vim")) ...
""" set nobackup " 设置不备份 set noswapfile " 禁止生成临时文件 setautoread" 文件在vim...
//Get current URL if the canonical URL does not exist if (!canonicalURL) canonicalURL = window.location.href; //Assign script content. Replace current URL with the canonical URL !function(){var e=/([http|https]:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\_\.]+\.baidu\.com)/gi,r=canonicalURL,t=documen...
// 文件导出事件监听vim.onFileExport=(fullpath:string,contents:ArrayBuffer)=>{constslashIdx=fullpath.lastIndexOf('/');constfilename=slashIdx!==-1?fullpath.slice(slashIdx+1):fullpath;constblob=newBlob([contents],{type:'application/octet-stream'});saveAs(blob,filename);};<ButtononClick={(...
2062 char_u *b_fname; // current file name, points to b_ffname or 2063 // b_sfname 2064 2065 #ifdef UNIX 2066 int b_dev_valid; /* TRUE when b_dev has a valid number */ 2067 dev_t b_dev; /* device number */ 2068 ino_t b_ino; /* inode number */ 2069 #...