Long ChenMing Wang应用数学与力学进展(英文)L. Chen and M. Wang. Cell conservative flux recovery and a posteriori error estimate of vertex-centered finite volume methods. Adv. Appl. Math. Mech. 2013; 5(5):705-727.
Another very interesting comment is that the cell-centered scheme is the only of then that is the "real" mass and energy balance at the cell boundary, wich is completly coerent with the traditional finite volume method. Marcio Aredes Martins Doctoral Student - Mechanical Engineering Department ...
The discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method has emerged as a promising high- accuracy alternative. The standardDG method reducesto a cell-centeredFV method at lowest order. However, many of today's CFD codes use a vertex-centered FV method in which the data structures are edge based. We develop ...
A number of r-ratio formulations for TVD schemes have been presented over the last few decades to solve the transport equation in shallow waters based on the finite volume method (FVM). However, unlike structured meshes, the coordinate directions are not clearly defined on an unstructured mesh;...
A nonlinear finite volume element method preserving the discrete maximum principle for heterogeneous anisotropic diffusion equations 2024, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Citation Excerpt : To our knowledge, the construction of maximum-principle-preserving nonlinear cell-centered FVMs on distor...
To that end, structured or unstrctured cells can be used for domain decomposition, each method having their relative strength and weaknesses. Within the structured approach, cell-vertex or cell-centered methods can be used. The comparison of the two methods on their accuracy was done by Swanson...
where\mathcal {C}_ris a counter-clockwise oriented, circular contour centered at origin, with a large enough radiusrso as to include all poles of the integrand, and \begin{aligned} {\mathfrak {F}}^ASEP _\varepsilon (z_1,z_2) := \frac{1+z_1z_2-(e^{-\frac{1}{2}{\sqrt{\va...
As a generalization of the finite element method, the virtual element method (VEM) has made remarkable achievements in the algorithm and analysis of simulating various problems recently. Vertex-centered linearity-preserving scheme (VLPS, Wu et al., 2016) is a linear finite volume scheme which is...
The finite volume(FV)method is the dominating discretization technique for computational fluid dynamics(CFD),particularly in the case of compressible fluids.The discontinuous Galerkin(DG)method has emerged as a promising highaccuracy alternative.The standard DG method reduces to a cell-centered FV ...
A finite volume method with a six-equation multi-fluid single-pressure model is implemented in a three-dimensional vertex centered code, FEFLO. The six-equation was developed from the stratified flow model. A least-squares reconstruction with Kuzmins vertex-based (VB) limiter is implemented for ...