Finite-volume methodPoromechanicsPoroelasticityCoupled problemMulti-physicsThe article introduces a finite-volume method for the poromechanics problem for heterogeneous anisotropic media. The media are characterized by the full tensors of elasticity, permeability and Biot coefficient. The pressure and ...
Another very interesting comment is that the cell-centered scheme is the only of then that is the "real" mass and energy balance at the cell boundary, wich is completly coerent with the traditional finite volume method. Marcio Aredes Martins Doctoral Student - Mechanical Engineering Department ...
2) cell-centred finite volume method 中心有限体积法 例句>> 3) finite element/node control volume(FE/NCV) 有限单元/控制体积4) finite element/control volume method 有限单元/控制体积方法5) finite element/control volume 有限元/有限体积
Finite volume (FV) methods for solving the two-dimensional (2D) nonlinear shallow water equations (NSWE) with source terms on unstructured, mostly triangular, meshes are known for some time now. There are mainly two basic formulations of the FV method: node-centered (NCFV) and cell-centered ...
Different strategies for coupling fine–coarse grid patches are explored in the context of the adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) method. We show that applying linear interpolation to fill in the fine grid ghost values can produce a finite volume stencil of comparable accuracy to quadratic interpolation...
Volume 22, Issue 5, pages 1080–1089, September 2006Additional Information How to Cite Kwak, D. Y. and Lee, J. S. (2006), Comparison of V-cycle multigrid method for cell-centered finite difference on triangular meshes. Numer. Methods Partial Differential Eq., 22: 1080–1089. doi: 10.100...
Multigrid algorithm for the cell-centered finite difference method II: Discontinuous coefficient case We consider a multigrid algorithm for the cell centered finite difference scheme with a prolongationoperator depending on the diffusion coefficient. This p... DY Kwak,JS Lee - 《Numerical Methods for ...
Conservative interpolation on unstructured polyhedral meshes: An extension of the supermesh approach to cell-centered finite-volume variables - ScienceDirect A method is presented for conservatively transferring, or remapping, cell-centered variable fields from one mesh to another with second-order accuracy...
A nonlinear finite volume element method preserving the discrete maximum principle for heterogeneous anisotropic diffusion equations 2024, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Citation Excerpt : To our knowledge, the construction of maximum-principle-preserving nonlinear cell-centered FVMs on distor...
w ,CFD;finitevolumemethod; -Seguations 一种高效的多重网格三维 N 方程计算方法及其应用 . 乔渭阳 王占学 蔡元虎 . 中国航空学报 ( 英 文版 ) 2002 15(4),193-199. 摘要 , 介绍一种基于 Jameson 中心差分和 Run e-Kutta 时间推进的三维 -S 方程计算的有限体 积方法 计算点选取体积单元中心 为了提高...