有限体积法(Finite Volume Method):动量方程 首先,动量方程由动量守恒原理推导而来,即在没有外力的的作用下,物体的总动量保持不变。 对于一个确定的封闭系统,动量守恒定律表述为 系统的动量对于时间的变化率=外界作用在该系统上的合力 根据牛顿第二定律: F=ma 将该定律应用于随流体运动的控制体上,可以得到: (d(...
2.CELL-CENTEREDFINITEVOLUMEMETHOD LetTbeatriangularorCartesiangridofΩ.Wechoosethefinitedimensionalspace V={v∈L 2 (Ω):v| τ isconstantforallτ∈T}.ThendimV=NT,thenumberof elementsofT.WealsochooseB=T.SeeFigure2(a).Tocompletethediscretization, weneedtoassigntheboundaryfluxofeachelement. ...
讲义教程说明分析博士error analysis and estimation for the finite volume method with applications to fluid flows.pdf,z N S x ...
A 'Finite Volume Method' is a numerical technique used in computer science to solve partial differential equations by dividing the domain into grid cells and approximating the integral of the flux over each cell. The method involves updating values at each time step based on the flux through cel...
This can be done easily by adopting the vanishing shape parameter to reduce the method into the polynomial method [16]. The paper is composed of the following sections. In Section 2, we briefly explain the finite volume ENO/WENO methods. In Section 3, we use the case of k = 2...
An Introductionto ComputationalFluid DynamicsTHE FINITE VOLUME METHODSecond EditionH K Versteeg and W MalalasekeraANIN_A01.qxd 29/12/2006 09:53 AM Page iii
This textbook explores both the theoretical foundation of the Finite Volume Method (FVM) and its applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Readers will discover a thorough explanation of the FVM numerics and algorithms used for the simulation of incompressible and compressible fluid flows, al...
Fluid Mechanics and Its ApplicationsF. MoukalledL. ManganiM. DarwishThe Finite Volume Method in Computational Fluid DynamicsAn Advanced Introduction with OpenFOAM® and Matlab®
FCT is a finite volume method and proceeds from the notion of the domain discretized into numerous cells which exchange fluxes at their boundaries with neighboring cells and with domain boundaries. From: Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2002, 2003 ...
定价:USD 80 ISBN:9783319168739 豆瓣评分 9.8 21人评价 5星 81.0% 4星 14.3% 3星 0.0% 2星 0.0% 1星 4.8% 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介· ··· This textbook explores both the theoretical foundation of the Finite Volume Method (FVM) and its applications in Computationa...