World without magic“Last night, you asked me if I ever felt guilty about walking away from Buffy. The answer was no… Because I always told myself that walking away meant you'd be okay. So why aren't you okay? You're supposed to be okay. I need to make you okay.” ―Xander[...
I had set out today believing or certainly hoping I might make first Terrian contact but it is day’s end the suns are setting darkness spreads over this severe terrain void of color early shadows fall across my face a veiled foreboding settles upon me ...
As naive and pollyanna as this may sound, I haven’t lived nearly 74 years believing that peace, love, and intelligence will find a way — to simply stand by and see these qualities of integrity snd dignity trampled beneath the feet of humankind’s baser instincts. Perhaps good people have...
Selene, the sole survivor, bore the weight of the tragedy, believing herself responsible for her loved ones' untimely demise. Haunted by the memories that tormented her dreams, Selene sought solace in her isolated cabin, hidden deep within the forest. She studied ancient tomes and honed her ...
Believing that Tara is the Key, Glory drains her mind, leaving her incoherent and driving an enraged Willow to seek dark-magic vengeance. Episode B5.20 Spiral Sunnydale, 2001 With Glory now aware that Dawn is the Key, the gang flees Sunnydale — pursued by the Knights of Byzantium, who...
This is what we are seeing. TB is so far gone into his world of delusion, he is believing his own press releases. He thinks he can beat these charges. He thinks he can keep on doing what he is doing, just like chill, who keeps filling paperwork with the courts to waste people’s...
For the eyes of a recluse dazed by believing. Yes, I know that Earth in the depths of this night, Casts a strange mystery with vast brilliant light Beneath hideous centuries that darken it the less. Space, like itself, whether denied or expanded Revolves in this boredom, vile flames as ...
This desire to go home eventually turned to desperation as he tried to steal the Machina de Kadavus from Spider-Man without even caring about the other villains being cured. While he originally hated his powers, he eventually accepted them as a necessary evil to ensure he could save Penny, ...
[33] 22. without mercy--It is said that Nero as a child amused himself in pulling the legs and wings from insects. Perhaps you cry out at this, saying, I have always been tender-hearted towards animals. Indeed? And how about people? Are you tender-hearted towards them? to all of ...
He turned on the spot and stared at her without speaking. Large jet-black pupils in hollow eyes made her feel as though she’d plunged into a wall of ice. He would have been handsome if it were not for the sense there was something deeply wrong about him. Lindsay turned towards the ...