As well as the Scripture quoted before from Genesis 15, so this announcement also ascertains to us the position that they that are of faith, and they alone, are blessed with the believing patriarch. Such appears to be the general scope of the passage; but the verbal details are not free...
In these two instances, thespiritof the Antichrist is pointing to false prophets (teachers) of the Antichrist. We are instructed to be cautious about believing spirits described as false teachers. False teachers have existed since the beginning of time, and there are false teachers today. It wou...
Read as a philosophical or spiritual genre of literature, as many secular non-believing people now read the Bible or the Qur'án, several of the works of Bahá'u'lláh are of a literary quality that ought to secure for them a place in the pantheon of 19th century Persian and Arabic lit...
or He pulled off the biggest scam in world history. When I first started to explore the Bible and ancient history, this derogatory statement about deception was my platform to attempt to prove to my Christian wife that she was fooled into believing in Jesus. ...
May I venture a step further, and ask whether we are not warranted in believing that in that which we call the love of God there do abide the same elements as characterise the thing that bears the same name in our human experience? The spectrum has told us that the constituents of the...
Sadly, all this talk about 24-hour creation periods doesn’t seem to work without a Sun, and we don’t see that until Genesis 1:16 when we see God placing the Sun in the sky on the fourth day. Genesis 1:16NASB God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day...
Not with thoughts of your mind, but in the believing sweetness of your heart, you snap the link and open the golden door and disappear into the bright room, the everlasting ecstasy, eternal Now. Soldier, follow me! - there never was a war. Arjuna, dont fight! - why fight over nothing...
If you’re inclined toward prejudice, and if your reasoning powers are limited, you might be able to psych yourself into believing this was a “Jewish thing,” Before you seek to place blame, perhaps you should take an honest look in the mirror at the person whose face you wear. When ...
“31But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.” John 20:31 “Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears,ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye....
If, then, believers now are not saved without good works, while the unbelieving and reprobate without good action were saved by our Lord descending into hell, then the lot of those who never saw the incarnation of the Lord was better than that of these who have been born after the ...