When we say “Believing is Seeing” this runs counter to our culture but is perhaps the foundation of faith. Now having faith in Christ is not a blind faith but is one where the evidence in favor of the resurrection events is staggering, as recorded in the scriptures. If you take the s...
The other work was by Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science (I believe it was “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” but I’m not sure). Therein she proposed the notion that, due to Humanity’s inherent Divinity, we were to have dominion over creation. So, being ...
For many, neither the testimony of Jesus’s miracles nor the interpretations of Scriptures, reputable sources of authority in that time, offer enough evidence in favor of Jesus being the Messiah. Seeing is not enough to ensure faith. Jesus claims that he has come so that those “who do not...
Brothers and sisters in Christ, I pray that this article has helped some of you. I know that it helped me just writing it and reading the piece fromgotquestions.comand the Scriptures used by them to help us truly understand 2 Corinthians 10:5. The hatred of blood-washed, born-again b...