`ifdef FOR_FPGA //如果定义了FOR_FPGA宏,则会执行如下 //语句/或者没有语句 `else //如果没有定义FOR_FPGA宏,执行如下语句 //语句/或者没有语句 `endif //结束 `ifndef FOR_FPGA //如果没有定义了FOR_FPGA宏,则会执行如下 //语句/或者没有语句 `else //如果定义了FOR_FPGA宏,执行如下语句 //语...
To avoid this gotcha, a recommended coding style (created by Don Mills of LCDM Engineering) is to: 1) Add a level-sensitive condition to the sensitivity list that triggers on the trailing edge of reset when set is active. 2) Use conditional compilation (`ifdef/`endif) or synthesis pragma...
(12)条件操作符:判断条件condition是否满足,满足执行true对应语句,不满足执行false对应语句,可嵌套执行多次判断,格式如下: condition ? true : false 1. 5.编译指令 (1)宏定义编译指令(与C一致) `define `undef (2)条件编译指令(与C一致) `ifdef
2) Use conditional compilation (`ifdef/`endif) or synthesis pragmas (translate_off/translate_on) to hide the additional sensitivity list condition from synthesis compilers. Here's the recommended way to code the previous example: 1 2 3
The code in foobar is braced by `ifdef USE_FOOBAR. Now, the question is if i put `define USE_FOOBAR at the top of top.v, will it guarrantee that USE_FOOBAR will be defined when the compiler reaches foobar.v? It seems that it will not, but I can't figure out...
);`ifdef ASSERTION_ENABLE `include"tb_assertion.v"`endif endmodule 提供20ns的周期时钟,使能信号;以及两次req信号拉高的模拟激励。 assertion定义在tb_assertion.v文件中,在仿真时定义ASSERTION_ENABLE的宏,可以调用assertion检查。 tb_assertion.v定义为: ...
4.3 ifdef、else 和endifv 这些编译指令用于条件编译,如下所示:§ ifdef WINDOWS§ pa 33、rameter WORD_SIZE=16§ else§ parameter WORD_SIZE=32§ endif v 在编译过程中,如果已定义了名字为WINDOWS的文本宏,就选择第一种参数声明,否则选择第二种参数说明。v else程序指令对于ifdef指令是可选的。4.4 default...