verilog代码写法如下: reg[2:0] tx_ce =3'b111;regtx_sd_ce =1'b0;reg[10:0] tx_gen_sd_ce =11'b00000100001; // Generates 5/6/5/6 cadence SD-SDI TX clock enablewiretx_ce_mux;//Used to generate the tx_ce signals///TX clock enable generator///sd_ce runs at 27 MHz and is ...
For example, using asymmetrical FIFO, you can transfer data from 32-bit wide bus of one one clock domain to 8-bit wide bus of another clock domain. If the data speed is very Common mistakes made in RTL code Module with input but no outputs: It will synthesize into no logic since ...
例如 clock 缩写为 clk, destination 缩写为 dest,source 缩写为 src 等。 reg data_to_destination_clock ; reg des_data ; //推荐 巧用数字代表英文字母,例如 2 代表 to, 4 代表 for, 可以省略一丢丢代码空间。 reg clk_for_test,sig_uart_to_spi;reg clk4test,sig_uart2spi;//推荐 虽然Verilog ...
5 Generating a 78MHz clock from a 100MHz base clock 2 Divide a clock by 3 without changing the duty cycle? 9 VHDL: creating a very slow clock pulse based on a very fast clock 1 taking fpga input clock to my verilog code 0 Use DCM for generate clock of 7...
end//***code***//endmodule VL3 奇偶校验(实际上应该是奇偶检测) 实际上这里做的是奇偶检测,如果是奇数个 1 则结果为 1,使用单目运算符 ^ 即可。 `timescale1ns/1ns/// 作者: FPGA探索者,FPGA_Explorer///moduleodd_sel(input[31:0]bus,input sel,output check);//***code***//wire check_tmp...
It is possible to generate a clock divided by 4.5 or for that matter any number like N+1/2. It involves some math. In this example we will use a ring counter that counts on the positive edge of clock. We then use some counters at negative edges. The counters that we need is ...
在文章结尾处有一个完整的环境示例,包括test bench,RTL code ,Makefile等,供初学者参考。 Verilog特性 •Verilog是一种用于描述,设计电子系统的硬件描述语言。主要用在集成电路的设计。 •Verilog可以在三个抽象级上进行描述:行为级模型,RTL级模型和门级模型。 •行为级模型:主要用于test bench,着重系统行为和...
(4)// Description : Simple AHB to APB bridge.// The bridge requires PCLK synchronised to HCLK// APB running at a clock divided from HCLK. E.g.// - If PCLK is same as HCLK, set PCLKEN to 1// - If PCLK is half the HCLK speed, toggle PCLKEN every HCLK cycle///---// The ...
// If reset is high, and load_en=0 shift register to left always @ (posedge clk) begin if (!rstn) begin op <= 0; end else begin // If load_en is 1, load the value to op // else keep shifting for every clock if (load_en) begin ...
如图18.3所示,中间的理想时序图可以经由 CLOCK1 位移 -180°,又或者 CLOCK2 位移 +180° 来得到同样的效果。虽说180° 的位移是理想效果,但是我们还要考虑物理路径所带来的影响。根据Alinix 301这只开发板,我们必须追加 -30° 位移才能达到修正的效果。(注意:追加-30° 的修正时序仅仅为适用Alinix 301这只板子...