I'm new to writing code. I'm currently working on code for a clock... a pretty standard homework application for students I know. I've been trying to teach myself verilog for sometime now, and I could some guidance. Here's part of my code for the hour part of the clock. It ...
reg i_set_clock; // 闹钟设置使能信号 reg [3:0] i_clock_fen01; // 闹钟设置的分的个位 reg [3:0] i_clock_fen10; // 闹钟设置的分的十位 reg [3:0] i_clock_shi01; // 闹钟设置的时的个位 reg [3:0] i_clock_shi10; // 闹钟设置的时的十位 wire o_clock_flager; // 闹钟标志...
打开你的命令行或者powershell,在一个你想创建verilog项目的文件夹下输入 > code . 此处我就以在桌面上开启项目为例: 或者你也可以在资源管理器中右击鼠标,“通过Code打开”。当然,在安装vscode时得勾上某个选项,否则你右击是不会出现“通过Code打开”的选项的。 以上操作成功的话,说明你vscode安装成功了。 先简...
Xilinx provides a GTX simulation model that (at least grossly) describes the functionality of the GTX from a digital point of view - things like the PLLs and clock recovery and other stuff is abstracted so that the result mimics the digital functionality...
a <= 1'b0; end 因为你没有用rst_n,Verilog会认为你的rst_n也是一个时钟,这又变成和上面两种情况一样的问题了。 这是在Xilinx官网上找到的解答: [Synth 8-91] ambiguous clock in event control https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/Welcome-Join/synth-8-91-ambiguous-clk-in-event-control/m-p/724225#M40...
--library managementinVHDLlibraryIEEE;useIEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;useIEEE.numeric_std.all;use work.clock_div.all; 简而言之,VHDL 在高级硬件建模方面比 Verilog 更好。由于FPGA设计流程不需要低级硬件建模,如果我是 FPGA 设计师,我更喜欢 VHDL 而不是 Verilog。
文件名称 code4_18.v `timescale1ns/1psmoduleTestMem;logicclk =1'b0;initialbegin$display("start a clock pulse");$dumpfile("testmem.vcd");$dumpvars(0, TestMem); #300$finish;endalwaysbegin#5clk = ~clk;endlogic[7:0] a=0,d=0,q;logicwe=0;initialbegin#10we <=1; a<=8'h01; d...
always语句中还可以使用if、case、for循环等语句,其功能更加强大。always语句块 assign语句和always语句的...
5.7.2 Verilog Code for a D Latch with Enable 5.8 Clock 5.9 D Flip-Flop 5.9.1 Alternative Smaller Circuit 5.10 D Flip-Flop with Enable 5.10.1 Asynchronous Inputs 5.11 Description of a Flip-Flop 5.11.1 Characteristic Table 5.11.2 Characteristic Equation 5.11.3 Sta...