This page contains tidbits on writing FSM in verilog, difference between blocking and non blocking assignments in verilog, difference between wire and reg, metastability, cross frequency domain interfacing, all about resets, FIFO depth calculation,Typica
In this article, we will learn how we can use Verilog to implement a testbench to check for errors or inefficiencies. We’ll first understand all the code elements necessary to implement atestbench in Verilog. Then we will implement these elements in a stepwise fashion to truly understand the...
In specific I have one internal module (field_extract) that receives 4 inputs: the clock, data(network data from the top module), a signal that indicates the start of frame (sof), vld (indicates that the data is valid) and two parameters one of them is how many bytes I want to ext...
The PLL is a hard macro on the FPGA, so it's not possible to describe in Verilog alone. It's possible to instantiate one directly (rather than using the Clocking Wizard), but figuring out the correct parameters to do so would be difficult, especially if you lack ...
If you hope to create a x1 UART that 'locks' sampling with a x1 UART clock, such a design becomes very fragile, as not all UARTS have fixed stop bit quanta. Better ones are gap-less and jitter-less, but I've measured many with fractional bit creep and jitter. ...
We used a process to create a shift register from this signal. The shift register, as the name implies, shifts the contents of the vector one place to the left every 10 nanoseconds. Our process wakes up every 10 ns, and the For-Loop shifts all bits in the vector one place to the ...
Step 3:Find out the equations for the input versus output relationship and write the code accordingly. Note that, unlike in behavioral models (written in Verilog-A or Verilog-AMS Electrical), in wreal modeling you would require to write separate eq...
The function ClockInit(): take everything out before: /* Configure peripheral clock dividers */ The remaining will be configuration of the UDBs, the IO's and the Peripheral clocks to the UDB. Copy the component API from Creator to a new source subfolder in Modus (something like...
The following sections contain step-by-step instructions how to implement the most common use cases, plus low-level functional schematics of CLB building blocks to aid the process of mapping logic from VHDL or Verilog into CLB. Many powerful and flexible CLB features provide you with substantial ...
The following sections contain step-by-step instructions how to implement the most common use cases, plus low-level functional schematics of CLB building blocks to aid the process of mapping logic from VHDL or Verilog into CLB. Many powerful and flexible CLB features provide you with substantial ...