比较与门与MUX逻辑表达式的异同,要想用MUX实现与门的功能,则需要把 A 接入低电平! 1.2 MUX转换为或门 或门的逻辑关系为:Y = A + B 比较或门与MUX逻辑关系可知,令B = 1,则Y = S'A + S,这个表达式不太容易一眼看出是否是最后的或门关系,利用卡诺图可以推导出来Y = S + A(Note:S<=>Sel) 1.3 MUX...
case(case_expr) condition1 : true_statement1 ; condition2 : true_statement2 ; …… default : default_statement ; endcase 小tips: default 语句是可选的,且在一个 case 语句中只能有一个 default 语句。 case 语句支持嵌套使用。 代码示例: module mux4to1( input clk, input [1:0] sel , input...
// Mux examples - Three ways to do the same thing.// The first example uses continuous assignmentwireout;assignout=sel?a:b;// the second example uses a procedure// to accomplish the same thing.regout;always@(aorborsel)begincase(sel)1'b0:out=b;1'b1:out=a;endcaseend// Finally - yo...
36.Suppose you're building a circuit to process scancodes from a PS/2 keyboard for a game. Given the last two bytes of scancodes received, you need to indicate whether one of the arrow keys on the keyboard have been pressed. This involves a fairly simple mapping, which can be implemente...
建模。module mux2_1(out1, a, b, sel) ; output out1; input a, b; input sel;assign out1=(sel & b) | (sel & a);endmodulemodule mux2_1(out1, a, b, sel) ; output out1; input a, b; input sel;assign out1= se 39、l ? b : a;endmodule行为描述行为描述q一般使用一般使用...
使用wait语句设计一个电平敏感的锁存器,该锁存器的输入信号为d和clock,输出为q,其功能是当clock=1时q=d。 module L_FF(d, clock, q); input d, clock; output reg q; always @(*) begin wait(clock) q = d; end endmodule 使用条件语句设计四选一多路选择器。 module mux4_to_1(out, i0, i...
package foo; `ifdef FOO // good: branching directive left-aligned `include "foo.sv"; // normal indentation for non-branching directives parameter bit A = 1; // normal indentation for the regular code `ifdef BAR // good: branching directive left-aligned parameter bit A = 2; `else paramet...
2. Are Verilog and VHDL the same or different? Verilog and VHDL are two languages used for designing digital circuits, but are quite different. They have different ways of writing code. Verilog is known for its short and simple style, similar to the C programming language. It’s concise an...
It's known fact that priority implementation takes more logic to implement than parallel implementation. So if you know the inputs are mutually exclusive, then you can code the logic in parallel if. 1 module parallel_if(); 2 3 reg [3:0] counter; 4 wire clk,reset,enable, up_en, dow...
One simple way to eliminate the latch with always statement is to always drive 0 to the LHS variable in the beginning of always code as shown in the code below. 3 is to 8 decoder using always 1moduledecoder_always (in,out);2input[2:0] in;3output[7:0] out;4reg[7:0] out;56alwa...