The == operator checks if the bits in two things are the same, even if the sizes are different. It’s good for comparing things of different sizes. On the other hand, === is more strict. It not only checks if the bits are the same but also makes sure the sizes and types are ...
100111中1的个数大于0的个数,所以需要disparity翻转为1。 高3位为000,此时disparity为1,3b4b编码为0100。 0100中0的个数大于1的个数,此时disparity翻转为0。 所以最后输出10bit数1001110100(可能需要翻转高低位),disparity为1。 disparity这种两步的变换可以简化为一步,encode得到的10bit中0,1个数不等时,进行...
CRC(Cyclic Redundancy Check,循环冗余校验)是数据帧传输中常用的一种差错控制编码方式,针对要发送的数据帧,使用一些特定的多项式可以计算出CRC校验结果,CRC校验结果和原始数据一起传输到接收端。 接收端在接收数据的同时按照相同的多项式对接收数据进行校验运算,并将校验结果和接收的结果进行对比,如果二二者相同则认为没...
The $bits system function returns the size in bits of the expression that is its argument. The result of this function is undefined if the argument doesn't have a self-determined size. The $sizeof function is deprecated in favour of $bits, which is the same thing, but included in the ...
Verilog and VHDL are kind of like the C and ADA of the FPGA world. Verilog will seem familiar to you if you’re used to writing code for computers. For instance, it will turn integer variables into wires that carry the binary values for you. VHDL code looks odd from a software program...
(posedge clock)); initial structures may also not be converted. If you do not specify the bit width of the number, the system may default it to a larger value (such as 32 bits), which may result in a very large logic gate-level netlist, some of which are unnecessary, which will ...
So when we need priority logic, we use nested if-else statements. On the other hand if we don't want to implement priority logic, knowing that only one input is active at a time (i.e. all inputs are mutually exclusive), then we can write the code as shown below. It's known fact...
• The $bits “sizeof” system function 5.1 Structures Design data often has logical groups of signals, such as all the control signals for a bus protocol, or all the signals used within a state controller. The Verilog language does not have a convenient mechanism for collecting common signa...
[3:2]); // producing carry bits with carry-look-ahead; always @(G or P or Cin, Mode) begin if (Mode) begin C[0] = G[0] | P[0] & Cin; C[1] = G[1] | P[1] & G[0] | P[1] & P[0] & Cin; 2001/02/28 版权所有,侵权必究 第 21 页,共 56 页 绝密 请输入文档...
The preferred method of defining constants is to declare a package and declare all constants as a parameter within that package. If the constants are to be used in only one file, it is acceptable to keep them defined within that file rather than a separate package. Define project-wide consta...