Hühnchen vom Grill an BBQ Weingelee-Sauce Gefüllte Melanzani vom Rost an Feigen Chutney STAUD’S Wien: Ein Haus mit Tradition. Die Wurzeln des Familienbetriebs Staud’s gehen bis in die Österreichisch-Ungarische Monarchie zurück. Wie anno dazumal befindet sich das traditionsreiche Unternehm...
“concocting bizarre combinations of ingredients” in plastic sauce-on-the-side containers. “Then I would walk around to the staff and make them eat it. And thank goodness they did,” he recalls with a laugh. “I feel so
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Suggested Pairing Meaty fish, such as salmon and the swordfish steaks here, go well with citrusy, full-bodied whites like Chenin Blanc. Chenin Blanc often has a bright herbal note, which is a great match for this recipe's herby butter....
Seriously saucy snapperA recipe for fish fillet with beurre blanc sauce is presented.Womans Day
Rosenblum's Roussance 04' has become more assertive with a hint of pineapple in its aroma and flavor. The Fralich Vineyard in Paso Robles' Anglim '04 is both discreet and exquisite, while Bec Blanc from Beckmen Vineyards has a mild fruity taste.Asher, Gerald...
A DELICATE BALANCEProvides a step-by-step procedure for cooking beurre blanc or "white butter" sauce. Variations in the preparation.Lear, Jane DanielsGourmet
7 Perfect Pound CakesThe article presents pound cake recipes, including for buttermilk pound cake with custard sauce, Amaretto-almond pound cake, and Sauvignon Blanc pound cake.Perry, Mary AllenSouthern Living