ecsin-datuv = sy-datum. ecsin-werks = lr_data->werks. ecsin-equnr = lr_data->equnr1.CALLFUNCTION'CSAI_BOM_READ'EXPORTINGecsin=ecsinIMPORTINGfl_warning=fl_warningTABLESt_stpob=t_stpobEXCEPTIONSerror=1OTHERS=2. t_stpob=VALUE #( BASE t_stpob ( posnr= lv_posnr postp = lr_data-...
If you want to get all the billing documents for the sales documents, you can use the table VBFA. Put the preceeding document number as the sales order and then execute in SE16n to get the billing document number. These are very simple queries, please search the forum before posting such...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development You can also use table BKPF (which is the Acctng. document header). The billing document should be stored in field XBLNR (reference field). BKPF has an index for this field so it shouldn't take long. Once you have the accounting document #, you can...
ecsin-datuv = sy-datum. ecsin-werks = lr_data->werks. ecsin-equnr = lr_data->equnr1.CALLFUNCTION'CSAI_BOM_READ'EXPORTINGecsin=ecsinIMPORTINGfl_warning=fl_warningTABLESt_stpob=t_stpobEXCEPTIONSerror=1OTHERS=2. t_stpob=VALUE #( BASE t_stpob ( posnr= lv_posnr postp = lr_data-...