SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I need to join 3 tables VBRK,VBAK,VBRP Tables.Actually to improve the performance first i retrieved matnr and belnr(billing records) from VRPMA Table into I_VRPMA where s_vkorg,s_fkdat,s_fkart.(selection screen) Now i need to fetch billing re...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development ABAP Development Programming Tool View products (1) Team, I want to know what table contains MBLNR and VBELN or VGBEL in one table. Thanks Rel. 4.7 Reply 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Go to solution Former Member Options Mark as New Bookmark Subscribe Mu...
Please take the help of your technical consultant and check in the program wheather any loop has been put that for the JPY currency that it should show in two decimals only.If it is showing correct in VBRP table check the currency that is coming in the biling document->line item ->condi...
SAP Managed Tags: BW (SAP Business Warehouse) Hi, As per my knowledge, VBRP is base table for 2LIS_13_VDITM. I am trying to extract a data for particular customer (sold to party) for particular Bill date. It is present in the VBRP table for all those billing documents, also I ...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP HI all, I am wondering why Table category (PSTYV) G2N can be positive and also negative in ZSE16 transaction in table VBRP. I understand that this transaction shows debit memos L2N and credit memos G2N. I just do not understand how it is possible to downl...
Net Weight (NTGEW) does not populate in table VBRP and LIPS for Purch Order Go to solution Former Member on2008 Oct 17 0Kudos 1,310 SAP Managed Tags: SD Billing The net weight field (NTGEW) does not populate in tables VBRP and LIPS when created from a Purchase Order. The field...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi The link between bill and FI document is a header data: BKPF-AWTYP = 'VBRK'. BKPF-AWKEY = VBRK-VBELN. In the condition table (KONV, KONV-KNUMV = VBRK-KNUMV) you can find the G/L account (KONV-SAKN1) used to post the condition. So a po...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi, Ok. If we are getting 4 records here then the some where in the previous JOIN statements the records are being duplicated. If possible try to use join condition on the VBAK table, which is header table in the select statement if that is not possi...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development join vbrk vbrp based on vbeln and get the knumv along in it into table it_bill. now use for all entries for it_bill select knumv ... from konv into it_konv for all entries in it_bill where knumv = it_bill-knumv. " now move all the related...
Hi konv is the cluster table . so I want to join the table vbrk,vbrp,konv and fields are vbeln, knumv is possible . if it isn't possible. what is the another method