SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development How to update VBKD customer fields: - Extend structure VBKDKOM as VBKD was extended. - Extend structure VBKDKOMX - Extend structure BAPE_VBAK with VBKD customer fields - Extend structure BAPE_VBAKX - In bapi, use the table parameter extension_in with your...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Experts, I want to know weather data in VBKD table is stored sales order item wise or header data. Because in VBKD for some sales order it shows no line item numbers and for others it shows blank. why so. waiting for reply Thanks & Regards Reply...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Extensibility Hello Max, I am getting the VBELN value and updating the same value to XVBKD internal table. But, the field value is not getting updated to the standard database VBKD table. --Naresh. Reply Former Member In response to Former Member 2011 Jan ...
The SORTL Field in EINA Table (Info Record) is getting stored with Sales Order number which needs to looked up in VBKD table to get Sales district BZIRK field for corresponding Sales Order from SORTL field of EINA. If we manually go in the Info Record and enter preceding 000s then it ...
See for example...i created a sales order say 1234 using va01 and the item's customer group value gets created with the logic i've incorporated in userexit_move_field_to_vbkd(based on the header plant value)...this as we know gets stored in table xvbkd... Now when i go to va02...
SAP Managed Tags: SD (Sales and Distribution) Hi Experts, Could you please conform me when the VBKD table is update.I can see all the sales doc in this table with 000 line item and some with line item as 10 so can any one guid me why is it so? Thansk in advance . Thanks & ...
VBKD表的特殊之处: 1.一个销售订单在VBKD中会始终存在一个POSNR行项目编号为空,即000000的行; 结论: 自开发程序获取VBKD业务数据时,对于销售订单行项目...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Amit, Do you see that record in table 'VBAK'?. If you are sure that there is an orphaned entry available only in VBKD table for this record, then you can refer the SAP note 76712 for more details. Reply Former Member 2014 Dec 08 10:38 ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I want to know how records are stored in the table VBKD ? Are the records stored per line item or are the records stored per header data? This confusion arose because when I create orders in our scenario, so for some orders, VBKD stored records...
1. Maintain structure CUTEST in table VBAP 2. Because the BAPIs work with checkboxes, you must also define a CUTESTX checkbox for the customer structure. It should be structured like this: Field name Data element CFIELD1 CHAR1 CFIELD2 CHAR1 3. Define these customer structures in the stru...