Should You Eat for Your Ayurvedic Body Type (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) or the Season? How to Choose the Best Ayurvedic Herbs, Spices, and Foods for Your Digestion Supercharge Your Immunity During Ritusandhi—the Ayurvedic Junction Between Seasons ...
16 Good digestion is the central engine of health, and yet 70% of people complain of digestive issues to their medical practitioner. With degraded soil and food, environmental pollutants and everyday stress, knowing how to optimize your nutrition for better energy and vibrant wellness is essential...
According to this ancient wisdom, you have three elements present in your body and mind, which you might have heard of before. These three elements are calleddoshas:Air (Vata), Fire (Pitta), and Earth (Kapha). Together, these three dosha elements make up your personal constitution, with o...