(vär′gəs), Getúlio Dornelles 1882-1954. Brazilian politician who was a leader of the 1930 revolution and then served as president (1930-1945 and 1951-1954). He committed suicide after the military pressured him to resign. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Vargas Dictionary Thesaurus Wikipedia Vargas Get?lio Dornelles. 1883--1954, Brazilian statesman; president (1930--45; 1951--54) Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005 girl originally appeared inEsquire, later inPlayboy; created by...
allowed the activity of other parties, and established diplomatic relations with the USSR. In the same year he was swept from power by a coup d’etat. In 1950 he was again elected president, assuming the post in 1951. Vargas opened Brazil to private capital investments from the USA. At th...
過了不久,他們以 56,000 美元將鑽石賣給經紀人,經紀人再以 235,000 美元轉手賣出。買方又將鑽石賣給由荷蘭阿姆斯特丹聯盟銀行代表的一個荷蘭銀團。當時鑽石已命名為「巴爾加斯鑽石」,以紀念曾在 1930-1945 年和 1951-1954 年期間出任巴西總統的巴爾加斯 (Getulio Dornelles Vargas)。
A La Habana me voy1951演员 Cri Cri el grillito cantor1963演员 También de dolor se canta1950演员 Locura musical1958演员 El charro inmortal1955演员 - 自己 De ranchero a empresario1954演员 Summer Hotel1944演员 Flor de canela1959演员 Muy agradecido1975演员 ...
Los huéspedes de La Marquesa (1951) Borolas Serenata en Acapulco (1951) Pancho La ciudad perdida (1950) Borolas (as Joaquín Vargas 'Borolas') Al son del mambo (1950) Detective (as Borolas) La marca del zorrillo (1950) Cocinero (as Joaquin Vargas 'Borolas') The King of the...
Vargas, 1951 Getúlio Vargas (born April 19, 1882 [see Researchers Note], , São Borja, Braz.—died Aug. 24, 1954, Rio de Janeiro) was the president of Brazil (1930–45, 1951–54), who brought social and economic changes that helped modernize the country. Although denounced by some ...
Getulio Vargas was a lawyer and politician in Brazil who lived from 1882 to his suicide in 1954. He was President of Brazil from 1930-1945 and from 1951-1954. Born in San Borja to a moderately well off family, he would rise rapidly in the political ranks over his lifetime, though his...
The meaning of VARGAS is Getúlio Dornelles 1883—1954 Brazilian lawyer; president of Brazil (1930—45; 1951—54).
He turned out to be an even more worrisome adversary—elected to the presidency in 1951, he staked his legacy on land reform that ambitiously promised to transform a feudal economy, a fossil of vanished times, into a highly functioning capitalistic one, both more prosperous and more egalitarian...