民粹主义是一种政治现象,通常指那些以个人魅力、社会改革的纲领和实践动员无组织的底层民众,反对由“精英”控制的既定权力结构的运动和政党。 - 1930年-1945年:热图利奥·瓦加斯时期(英语:Vargas Era)。瓦加斯通过一场武装起义推翻了第一共和国,...
O governo de Getúlio Vargas (1930 a 1945) promoveu uma reforma na educação em 1931, autorizando e regulamentando o funcionamento das universidades, inclusive com a cobrança de anuidades, pois o ensino público não era gratuito naquela época. A reforma ainda permitia o funcioname...
during the first vargas era in brazil (1930-1945), and the first two administrations of perón in argentina (1946-1952 and 1952-1955), sport was an important political instrument. the control of the state over sport and its use by political propaganda ai
Based on the poem "Abre-te boca e proclaima", from the book Lira Paulistana (1945), by Mário de Andrade, this article analyzes the relationship between intellectual production and censorship in the Vargas era, as one of the echoes of the Second World War in the Brazilian context. The Var...
The First Republic lasted until 1930, when Getúlio Vargas led a revolt after claiming the coffee elite prevented him from winning the general election. Vargas was a dictator for 15 years; the nation reinstalled a democratic republic in 1945. There was much hope for this Second Republic. The ...
Emiliano Chamorro Vargas staged a successful coup d’état against Solorzano. Chamorro became president, but the U.S. did not recognize his rule; after a liberal revolt, the U.S. military in January 1926 sent gun-boats and troops back into the country and forced Vargas’ resignation. [...
In 1942, during theJapanese occupationinWorld War II, the bridge was renamed to Banzai Bridge by virtue of Executive Order No. 41 issued byPhilippine Executive CommissionChairmanJorge B. Vargas. During theBattle of Manila, retreatingJapanese Armytroops bombed the bridge in order to impede incoming...
[entre 1930 e 1946]) começaram a fazer parte das atividades que compunham esse universo de cura e divertimento. Era necessário munir‐se de condutas e códigos específicos do corpo, que se diferenciavam da vida cotidiana. Uma estada na estância de Poços de Caldas era, pois, um...
Emiliano Chamorro Vargas staged a successful coup d’état against Solorzano. Chamorro became president, but the U.S. did not recognize his rule; after a liberal revolt, the U.S. military in January 1926 sent gun-boats and troops back into the country and forced Vargas’ resignation. [...
Amazing Vargas DC Comics Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, Vol. 1, #157 Amazing Wombat-Man Maxwell Lord DC Comics Amazo DC Comics The Brave & The Bold, Vol. 1, #30 1960 June–July Gardner Fox Mike Sekowsky Amazon Amalgam Comics Amazon, #1 1996 April Amazon Princess DC Elseworlds Ama...