A escola pública mineira e os rituais cívicos na Era Vargas (1930‐1945): um processo de reconstru o da identidade nacional brasileiraAge Vargasnew Brazilian identitynationalist and development projectThis text aims to analyze the project of building a school culture that contributed to the ...
This paper aims to discuss, taking as reference the soccer, the sport in the Vargas age, and the consequences of the deliberations of the National Council of Sports in the organization and promotion of soccer in the city and region. From studies carried out by the journal "O Correio...
Religious Music and Church-State Relations in Brazil during the Vargas Era (1930–1945)spaceaphasianarration-in-interactionstoryworldmultimodalAn art curator from Montevideo, Laura Bardier has curated international exhibitions, workshops, and forums. She collaborated with the Municipality of Napoli to ...