Jeffery Tanner (Phoenix, AZ)Director of SEL at Leona Schools After seeing their new prevention curriculum, every administrator in our county was all-in. I’ve never seen them agree on anything so quickly! Jason Bertrand (Laona, WI)Middle & High School Principal From our first phone call whe...
Your Course Curriculum Course comes with 1 track(s) 1 Introduction 1 Sections 2 What Are E-Cigarettes? 2 Sections 3 Unique Risks for Youth 1 Sections 4 The Bottom Line 3 Sections 5 Conclusion 1 Sections The NFHS is an accredited institution by Cognia and exceeds the same high stan...
Tune in Monday mornings for our drug prevention podcast! Want to talk trends and techniques with peers and professionals in the field? The Drug Prevention Power-Hour is here to educate listeners on prevention, highlight new ideas and keep us growing so we can saving lives through our efforts....
The curriculum was delivered by classroom teachers in most cases; however, at two schools (7 classes), public health unit staff assigned to the participating schools delivered the lessons. CMB lessons were originally designed for elementary schools, where class periods are 30–40 min; however, ...
editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across ...
High School. A time when many of us try new things. One of those things is vaping or “Juuling.” In the past three years, I have seen a big increase in the number of friends and classmates who vape or “Juul.” I hear so much about how vaping is a huge problem, but never abo...