所以会出现在健康板块。A. Entertainment娱乐;B. Politics政治;C. Education教育;D. Health健康。故选D. 这是一篇说明文。根据2020年的一项调查,今年使用电子烟的美国年轻学生数量急剧下降。文章详细介绍了调查结果以及导致这一结果的原因,政府为了禁止学生吸烟所采取的措施。
EducationPharmD curriculaVapingVaping deviceIntroduction The use of vaping devices, including e-cigarettes, has been steadily increasing in recent years, especially among younger populations. Commentary With many vaping devices on the market and misconceptions about the safety of vaping, there is a ...
Just 5 % of middl e school students said they had recently used them.T hat marked a big decreas e from a simil ar survey in 2019. T h e earlier survey found nearly 28% of high school students and 11%of middl e school students had recently vaped.Health experts believ e that th e...
Vaping: Know the truth is a prevention-forward digital learning experience that gives today’s students core knowledge around the dangers associated with using e-cigarettes and offers resources to help young people quit if they already vape. Available in
There is new evidence a free texting program may help teens quit e-cigarettes. Also known as vaping, more than 2 million American middle and high school students now use e-cigarettes. A clinical trial found teens enro...
D The number of American young students vaping(吸电子烟)fell sharply in 2020, according to a 2020 survey.The 2020 survey was carried out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration(FDA). About 20,000 American students took part in the...
Parents like those in Fairfax County, Va. cancontact their local schoolsand provide more information to students and young adults about the negative health effects of vaping. Vaping is a substance abuse public health crisis for the children and young adults in our country. ...
"We found that broader social influences such as advertising, celebrity endorsements and the media normalized vaping for students initially," said Lippert. "With the introduction of new devices and flavors, however, adolescents appear to have relied on local resources within their schools to begin va...
NEW 2024 - Vapes, E-Cigs, nicotine and the latest science - a new lesson all about the potential health impacts of vaping. Students will explore why vaping is best considered a smoking cessation aid and not a healthy recreational activity, by studying the latest information from hospital admiss...
Almost all students (96.5%) were aware of the negative health consequences of vaping. More than two thirds of students (68.7%) rated their vaping medical education as inadequate and the majority (76.1%) indicated their medical school curriculum did not impact their view on the matter. Most ...