Putting a dent in teen use of e-cigarettes will take a combination of regulation and education that starts in elementaryschool, said Abraham, who co-authored an accompanying journal editorial. He also said that preventing kids from vaping starts at home with parents. "You have to work with pa...
Currently, Agassiz Elementary Secondary School is in the process of applying for a grant to bring Fraser Health into the school to talk about the dangers of vaping to its students. “I think this is just like the tobacco industry 30 years ago when they had smoking cessation programs that cam...
Sgt. Lori Bronner is a School Resource Officer in Douglas County. She points to one specific vape pen, smaller and charged with a USB cord, as commonly confiscated on middle and high schools campuses. Her officers have even found some at elementary schools. The newer, smaller devices are eas...
In addition, the requirement for active consent procedures at many schools limited student participation and may bias the sample. 5. Conclusion These are the first pre/post evaluation data for a vaping education program delivered to high school students in Canada. After exposure to CMB, students ...