This repository is a collection of official Quansheng firmware binaries and community-developed custom firmwares for the UV-K5 and UV-K6 (also known as UV-K5(8)) radios. Warning Use these firmwares at your own risk (entirely). There is absolutely no guarantee that they will work in any way...
全功能泉盛UV-K5/K6中文固件. Contribute to ohmytime/uv-k5-firmware-chinese development by creating an account on GitHub.
uv_k5_26_pong_encoded_v22.bin pong this is useless uv_k5_26_pong_encoded_v22.bin 来源地址:
uv_k5_26_pong_encoded_v22.bin pong this is useless uv_k5_26_pong_encoded_v22.bin 来源地址:
RSSI值越大,表示接收到的信号越强。 uv_k5_26_pong_encoded_v22.bin pong this is useless uv_k5_26_pong_encoded_v22.bin 来源地址:
2024年4月8日,KD8CEC发布CEC固件 HF 0.5版(全频段接收版)固件,以下介绍来自,作者KD8CEC This is an introduction to UV-K5 HF full-band reception firmware 0.4HF using SI4732-A10. 这是…
RSSI值越大,表示接收到的信号越强。 uv_k5_26_pong_encoded_v22.bin pong this is useless uv_k5_26_pong_encoded_v22.bin 来源地址:
泉盛UVK5拆机 关注 2023.07更新: 根据 中的资料,使用的单片机应该是DP32G030。更多硬件相关信息可在链接中查看。 80多的价格太香了,入了一台。 拆开发现内部做工和设计有不太讲究与失误的地方,让我们一起来看看。
1600mAh Rechargeable Li-ion Battery Pack Dimensions: 115mmX60mmX37.5mm Weight: 234g Modulation Modes: FM (11KOF3E, 16K0F3E), AM, WFM Features: |Baofeng Uv 6|Baofeng Uv 5r Firmware Download|Baeofeng| **Versatile Communication** The Quansheng UV-K5 is a powerful and versatile two-way radi...
This is an introduction to UV-K5 HF full-band reception firmware 0.4HF using SI4732-A10.这是使用 SI4732-A10 的 UV-K5 HF 全频段接收固件 0.4HF 的介绍。 This version is released separately from the existing UV-K5 CEC firmware version. because space is needed to store a large PATCH file ...