UV-K5 experimental firmware Open Source re-implementation originally forked from Quansheng firmware v2.1.27 This repository is an experimental fork of F4HWN custom firmware which is a fork of Egzumer custom firmware, who was a merge of OneOfEleven custom firmware with fagci spectrum analizer. All...
pip install --user --upgrade pip pip install crcmod mkdir c:\projects & cd /D c:/projects git clone https://github.com/egzumer/uv-k5-firmware-custom.git From now on you can build the firmware by going to c:\projects\uv-k5-firmware-custom and running win_make.bat or by running ...
pip install --user --upgrade pip pip install crcmod mkdir c:\projects & cd /D c:/projects git clone https://github.com/egzumer/uv-k5-firmware-custom.git From now on you can build the firmware by going to c:\projects\uv-k5-firmware-custom and running win_make.bat or by running ...
pip install --user --upgrade pip pip install crcmod mkdir c:\projects & cd /D c:/projects git clone https://github.com/egzumer/uv-k5-firmware-custom.git c:\projects\uv-k5-firmware-custom win_make.bat cd /D c:\projects\uv-k5-firmware-custom win_make.bat ...
pip install --user --upgrade pip pip install crcmod mkdir c:\projects & cd /D c:/projects git clone https://github.com/egzumer/uv-k5-firmware-custom.git c:\projects\uv-k5-firmware-custom win_make.bat cd /D c:\projects\uv-k5-firmware-custom win_make.bat ...
pip install --user --upgrade pip pip install crcmod mkdir c:\projects & cd /D c:/projects git clone https://github.com/egzumer/uv-k5-firmware-custom.git From now on you can build the firmware by going to c:\projects\uv-k5-firmware-custom and running win_make.bat or by running ...
pip install --user --upgrade pip pip install crcmod mkdir c:\projects & cd /D c:/projects git clone https://github.com/egzumer/uv-k5-firmware-custom.git From now on you can build the firmware by going toc:\projects\uv-k5-firmware-customand runningwin_make.bator by running a command...