This is an introduction toUV-K5HF full-band reception firmware 0.4HF usingSI4732-A10. 这是使用 SI4732-A10 的 UV-K5 HF 全频段接收固件 0.4HF 的介绍。 This version is released separately from the existing UV-K5 CEC firmware version. because space is needed to store a large PATCH file to ...
LOSEHU126H:中文固件,需要2Mib以上Eeprom,包含多普勒模式、中文输入法、频谱、收音机、中文信道名、自定义开机中文字符、开机图片 链接:GitHub - silenty4ng/uv-k5-firmware-chinese-lts: 基于萝卜固件 117 版的长期支持 LOSEHU117P6.bin: 非扩容版 LOSEHU117P6K.bin: 扩容版 本人未改动项目内容(包括 打赏二维...
This is an introduction to UV-K5 HF full-band reception firmware 0.4HF using SI4732-A10.这是使用 SI4732-A10 的 UV-K5 HF 全频段接收固件 0.4HF 的介绍。 This version is released separately from the existing UV-K5 CEC firmware version. because space is needed to store a large PATCH file t...
uv_k5_26_pong_encoded_v22.bin pong this is useless uv_k5_26_pong_encoded_v22.bin 来源地址:
RSSI值越大,表示接收到的信号越强。 uv_k5_26_pong_encoded_v22.bin pong this is useless uv_k5_26_pong_encoded_v22.bin 来源地址:
请访问:K5Web 自定义引导 通过创立一个引导程序加载进RAM实现固件切换 可切换任意固件 目前仅适用于4Mib的Eeprom,通过修改代码可轻松拓展至其他大小Eeprom 版本说明 目前分为如下几个版本:LOSEHUxxx、LOSEHUxxxK、LOSEHUxxxH、LOSEHUxxxE、LOSEHUxxxEK、LOSEHUxxxHS LOSEHUxxx:中文固件,无需扩容,包含MDC1200、频谱...
RSSI值越大,表示接收到的信号越强。 uv_k5_26_pong_encoded_v22.bin pong this is useless uv_k5_26_pong_encoded_v22.bin 来源地址:
This repository is a cloned and customized version of DualTachyon's open firmware found here .. a cool achievement ! Use this firmware/code ENTIRELY at your own risk. This firmware is totally experimental, and at times will go completely tits...
This is an introduction to UV-K5 HF full-band reception firmware 0.4HF using SI4732-A10.这是使用 SI4732-A10 的 UV-K5 HF 全频段接收固件 0.4HF 的介绍。 This version is released separately from the existing UV-K5 CEC firmware version. because space is needed to store a large PATCH file ...
firmware_IJV_V3.zip包含: • firmware_IJV_V3.bin 固件本体 • uvk5_IJV_V3_29.pyCHIRP IJV模块 • changelog.txt 固件更新log • useful links.txt 相关链接 V3固件下载: ...