freeswitch uuid_transfer 自由开关(FreeSWITCH)是一个免费的开源软交换平台,用于呼叫控制和多媒体通信。在FreeSWITCH中,UUID是一个唯一标识符,用于识别不同会话或呼叫。在通信中,有时需要在不同的通道之间传递UUID,这就是所谓的“uuid_transfer”。 实现“freeswitch uuid_transfer”可以通过以下步骤完成: | 步骤 |...
FreeSWITCH 之 uuid_transfer 研究 uuid_transfer官网文档直通车 uuid_transfer <uuid> [-bleg|-both] <dest-exten> [<dialplan>] [<context>] 可选参数: -both uuid_transfer <uuid> -both 'set:hangup_after_bridge=false,bridge:user/8005' inline uuid_transfer <uuid> -both user/8005 uuid_transfer...
FreeSWITCH 之 uuid_transfer 研究 uuid_transfer官网文档直通车 uuid_transfer <uuid> [-bleg|-both] <dest-exten> [<dialplan>] [<context>] 可选参数:-both uuid_transfer <uuid> -both'set:hangup_after_bridge=false,bridge:user/8005'inline uuid_transfer<uuid> -both user/8005uuid_transfer<uuid> ...
[原创]FreeSWITCH命令:uuid_dual_transfer 2013-06-16 22:45 −该篇文章主要介绍FreeSWITCH的API命令uuid_dual_transfer的用法。... <默言> 0 3213 运行FreeSWITCH 2012-11-20 21:47 −我建了一个 Freeswitch 内核研究 交流群, 45211986, 欢迎加入, 另外,提供基于SIP的通信服务器及客户端解决方案。 读...
Closed axchandaopened this issueJul 14, 2019· 13 comments englercjadded theQuestionlabelJul 16, 2019 Author axchandacommentedJul 27, 2019 Sign up for freeto join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account?Sign in to comment
Hi, I had some discussion with the IRC regarding the uuid_transfer gets hang-up where the call is originated via javascript thru event socket. I was suggested to install latest SVN trunk. I did that again the same issue, the log is attached with here ...
> >> UNSUBSCRIBE:>http://www.freeswitch.org___ FreeSWITCH-users mailing list FreeSWITCH-users@lists.freeswitch.orghttp...
[原创]FreeSWITCH命令:uuid_dual_transfer 该篇文章主要介绍FreeSWITCH的API命令uuid_dual_transfer的用法。 命令介绍 该命令用于同时将两条腿进行转移,并且是可以转移到不同的方向。 -USAGE: <A-dest-exten>[/<A-dialplan>][/<A-context>] <B-dest-exten>[/<B-dialplan>][/<B-context>] 如:...
正常情况下uuid_transfer xxxxx -both是可以转移成功,但有种情况是例外,就是如果freeswitch采用媒体绕过的话,就是这个被设置的话,就会导致转移出现异常,应该两条腿一起转的变成只能转一条腿。 解决方法: 取消媒体绕过。 将conf/sip_profiles/internal.xml里面的...
> log is attached with here> > My call flow like this, > > 1. api jsrun fils.js <arg1> <arg2> <arg3> > 2. capture the uuid > 3. api uuid_transfer <uuid> -both <ext no / conference no> ...