GMAT往年平均录取分是729分;GRE均分320,quantitative score 至少167分以上;GPA:录取者平均3.6+。
强制要求标化成绩!UT Austin/布朗大学纷纷改革招生政策! 近日,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin)和布朗大学(Brown University)等两所知名大学相继宣布对招生政策进行了重大调整。 这种趋势已经成为当今教育界的一种风气,许多其他大...
近日,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin,简称UT-Austin)宣布,将重新要求申请者提交SAT或ACT等标准化考试成绩,以用于2025年秋季入学的申请。 UT-Austin恢复标化 与其他学校不同,UT-Austin恢复标化的最大原因是,学校发现不强制提...
Ranks4th in Texasand86thoverall. See the entiretop 2,000 colleges and universitieslist Overall Score(about)95.6 Total CostOn-Campus Attendance$26,506 AdmissionSuccess rateN/A ACT / SAT75%ile scores33 / 1480 Student RatioStudents-to-Faculty18 : 1 ...
AUSTIN– Have yourSATor ACT scores ready if you're applying to the University of Texas at Austin this year. The university announced Monday it will require standardized testing scores beginning for the fall 2025 semester. The requirement was suspended in 2020 due to limited testing availability dur...
美当地时间3月11日,全美排名第32位的德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(UT Austin)宣布,从2025Fall开始,学校将恢复对申请者的标化成绩要求! 该校从2020年春季开始,采取标化考试可选政策,经过四年的尝试和测试后,校长Jay Hartzell表示,“我们在标化考试可选的经验表明,标化考试是决定谁被录取并确保这些学生被安排在最适合的...
Achieving a SAT score of 1470 or an ACT score of 33 or higher greatly improves your likelihood of acceptance. However, since UT Austin is highly selective, it’s essential to bolster the other aspects of your application as well. Now, let’s examine the demographics of the latest UT Austin...
The University of Texas at Austin does not require SAT Subject Tests, nor does it require the optional SAT essay exam. That said, it can be to your advantage to take the essay exam for your score can be used for class placement purposes. UT Austin does not superscore SAT results; your...
Tools to make ICESat-2 ATL03 and ATL08 analysis easier PhoREAL (Photon Research and Engineering Analysis Library) is a geospatial analysis toolbox that allows users to read, process, analyze, and output ICESat-2 ATL03 and ATL08 data in the form of figures and .las, .csv, and .kml fi...
Titled “Target . . . Austin, Texas,” it was filmed in June – with scenes in a family shelter taken at the Zilker Park model – and made its television debut on September 4. “The nature of the film is such that should a viewer tune in late he might become alarmed that the film...