We've seen how widely SAT scores for universities can vary; now, it's time to figure outwhat score you'll need foryourcolleges specifically.In other words, what should your SAT goal score be? A goal score is the SAT score most likely to get you into at least one of the colleges you...
UT Austin宣布恢复标准化考试(SAT/ACT)要求 在对本科申请实行了四年的可选考试政策(Test-optional)后,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(UT-Austin)将从今年下半年的申请季开始,重新要求提交标准化考试成绩。 更高的标准化成绩转化为更好的大学学术表现。在2023年入学的9,217名一年级学生中,选择递交分数的学生(中位数1420分...
要求提交标化的共有14所学校: MIT、哈佛、斯坦福、加州理工、JHU、宾大、康奈尔、布朗、达特茅斯、乔治敦、UF、UT-Austin、佐治亚理工、佐治亚 这部分以综排Top20学校居多,除了乔治敦、UF、UT-Austin、佐治亚理工、佐治亚这5所外,其...
Test score submission policies and ranges for over 400 popular colleges. See what scores you need to make it into the mid-50% range.
这部分以综排Top20学校居多,除了乔治敦、UF、UT-Austin、佐治亚理工、佐治亚这5所外,其余9所都是Top20的。 其中斯坦福、JHU、宾大、康奈尔都是从26fall开始更改政策,改为必须提交。 3、灵活的标化政策,耶鲁、CMU、北卡 还有一些学校的标化政策比较灵活,包括: ...
其中,比较Top的学校如下:同样,NYU, U Rochester也是采取的Test Flexible政策,而UT Austin的态度则是...
虽有这种可能,但 #32的UT Austin 与 #60 U Maryland 录取了 Stanley。 就读高中太顶尖,GPA竞争太激烈?Stanley 就读的美国高中是硅谷顶尖公立高中,该校优秀学生太多,导致 Stanley的 GPA 4.42 在该校同侪中不算顶尖? 事实上,GPA 4.42 ...
Under the new SAT score ranges, a 1230 puts you just below the middle 50% range for UT Austin. Their middle 50 are students with an SAT score of 1240-1480. An especially high GPA could offset that though, since you’re near the top of the bottom 25% of students that Do get ...
The University of Texas at Austin does not require SAT Subject Tests, nor does it require the optional SAT essay exam. That said, it can be to your advantage to take the essay exam for your score can be used for class placement purposes. UT Austin does not superscore SAT results; your...