UT Austin宣布恢复标准化考试(SAT/ACT)要求 在对本科申请实行了四年的可选考试政策(Test-optional)后,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(UT-Austin)将从今年下半年的申请季开始,重新要求提交标准化考试成绩。 更高的标准化成绩转化为更好的大学学术表现。在2023年入学的9,217名一年级学生中,选择递交分数的学生(中位数1420分...
通过更好地早期识别那些表现出最高学术成就、最具潜力的学生,以及那些最能从我们的学生成功计划的支持中受益的学生,来支持这一目标。” 他还指出,鉴于“大量高中 GPA 都在 4.0 左右”,SAT或ACT成绩是“经过验证的区分因素,符合每个学生
校长杰伊·哈泽尔强调,标化成绩与高中GPA结合,有助于早期识别表现出最高学术成就、最具潜力的学生,并为他们提供更好的支持。 去年,UT Austin申请者数量创历史新高,大约有73,000个学生。在申请过程中,约42%的学生选择将标准化分数作为整体审查的...
近日,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin,简称UT-Austin)宣布,将重新要求申请者提交SAT或ACT等标准化考试成绩,以用于2025年秋季入学的申请。 UT-Austin恢复标化 与其他学校不同,UT-Austin恢复标化的最大原因是,学校发现不强制提...
美当地时间3月11日,全美排名第32位的德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(UT Austin)宣布,从2025Fall开始,学校将恢复对申请者的标化成绩要求! 该校从2020年春季开始,采取标化考试可选政策,经过四年的尝试和测试后,校长Jay Hartzell表示,“我们在标化考试可选的经验表明,标化考试是决定谁被录取并确保这些学生被安排在最适合的...
The University of Texas at Austin has a competitive admissions pool with a low acceptance rate and high average GPAs and SAT/ACT scores. However, UT Austin has a holistic admissions process involving other factors beyond your grades and test scores. A strong application essay can strengthen your...
除了恢复标化要求,UT-Austin还准备对申请流程作出修改: 1. 推出一项EA早申请计划(Early Action):申请人可以在 10 月 15 日之前提交EA申请,并在 1 月 15 日之前直接得知录取结果。UT 2025年秋季学期的申请注册期将于2024年 8 月 1 日开始。 2.申请文书:简答题从3个回答减为2个,同时创建1个新的文书题目...
According to UT Austin, on average, students who submitted standardized scores performed significantly better on those exams and in their first semester of college. The university also says that students enrolled at the university have demonstrated that knowledge of standardized test scores contributes to...
The University of Texas at Austin (UT) is located in Austin, Texas. This school was founded in 1883 and quickly became one of the most respected universities in the nation. This school serves students from all 50 states and also draws in a diverse study body from over 100 countries. The...
“When Longhorn gridiron prospects are as good as they are,” stated The Daily Texan student newspaper, “the average male student doesn’t care much about the rest of the University anyway. From registration to Thanksgiving, most of us major in football, with a few bothersome minors thrown ...