If you need to speak to someone about your ICT problems, ICT Infopoint can also help by providing you with the contact information of all CGIAR Center Helpdesks. ICT Infopoint is open 24/7, so please drop by anytime! This handy resource will be updated regularly with content from the ...
UC Diagram & Scenario RKPL C & D. Using Use Case Diagram Use case diagrams are used to visualize, specify, construct, and document the (intended) behavior. Dummy Screens for Online Pre-enrolment 3. Click “Continue” 2. Students under 18 have to download the appropriate Parental Consent For...
Configuring Active Directory to use External LDAP for Authentication Configuring Kerberos Authentication for certsrv web application Configuring LDAP Browse Permissions Confirm Subtree deletion when deleting computer account Confirm Subtree Deletion dialog when removing Site? Confirm Subtree Deletion...Why this??
4GL STOP condition: The Server application has returned an error. (7243) (7241) A Device Attached To The System Is Not Functioning A fatal alert was received from the remote endpoint. The TLS protocol defined fatal alert code is 49. A Licensing error occurred while the client was attempting...
Delegation to allow HelpDesk users to Enable and Disable accounts delegation to change phone numbers Delegation to Read All Users Properties in the domain Delete a computer account Delete a SIP address from AD using PowerShell Delete AD Group Delete All Child Computer Object Vs. Delete delete bulk...
This article describes two methods for using NGINX as the forward proxy for HTTPS traffic. It also explains the application scenarios and main problems related to these methods.
From the main Process Monitor window, you can launch a view that’s similar to the Process Explorer app. This is the process tree view. To view this, just select the small document icon with an image of a tree diagram on it.
We always use the EN-US version of windows, with a language pack on top, NL-NL in this case. I am unable to get display language working properly though.When I go to the old-style control-panel --> Clock, Language and Region --> Language, I can add the language and it'll say ...
4GL STOP condition: The Server application has returned an error. (7243) (7241) A Device Attached To The System Is Not Functioning A fatal alert was received from the remote endpoint. The TLS protocol defined fatal alert code is 49. A Licensing error occurred while the client was attempting...
You are correct. I created the cmdlet for the non-HA broker scenario, however, you can use it for HA broker as well. In HA case it will use the documented cmdlet method automatically to change the name. You can change the name back at any time....