extensive changes to food descriptions, portions, weights, and recipes. The USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 24 is the basis for the 65 nutrient values for each FNDDS food. FNDDS 5.0 is available at http://.ars.usda.gov/ba/bhnrc/fsrg. ...
Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 20 Fiber, total dietary ( g ) Content of Selected Foods per Common Measure, sorted by nutrient content NDB_No Description Weight (g) 11269 11208 08013 08243 09060 08123 08089 14347 09291 21138 09176 20089 18326 11283 09019 12652 18082 12537 ...
database maintenancenutrient integrity checksdatabase integrity checksAccurate dietary assessment depends on a high-quality food and nutrient database. While much progress has been made in the quality of analytical nutrient data, the area of database quality control remains largely uncovered. Increased ...
USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference., US Nutrient Data Laboratory, Beltsville MD. http://www.ars.usda.gov/Services/docs.htm?docid=8964 Pehrsson PR, Haytowitz DB, Holden JM (2003) J Food Comp Anal 16:331–341 Article Google Scholar Phillips KM, Patterson KY, Rasor ...
USDA Database for the Flavonoid Contentof Selected FoodsRelease 2.1Prepared by theNutrient Data Labo... 页数:131页格式:pdf 下载文档 20150911-银河期货-周报:USDA供需报告将出 油脂谨慎等待.pdf 银河期货研发中心: 胡香君?:010-59487036?:huxiangjun@?:北京市朝阳区曙光西里甲 5 号院 16 号楼 23032015...
瘦平均吃 布鲁斯·凯勒曼(Bruce Kellerman)的营养应用 Lean Mean Eats是一个Web应用程序,用于人们使用USDA的National Nutrient Database API制作餐点并跟踪这些餐点的营养价值。 精益进餐使人们可以在USDA的数据库中搜索所有食品,这些食品可以一起放入餐中,然后向他们显示总餐中的全部每日营养价值。 开发中使用的技术 ...
USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. http://ndb.nal.usda.gov/. Accessed March23, 2015. Google Scholar [9] S.W. Ng, B.M. Popkin Monitoring foods and nutrients sold and consumed in the United States: dynamics and challenges J AcadNutr Diet., 112 (1) (2012), pp. 41...
These data also suggest that even within the context of a reduced sodium diet, total intake limits should be expressed per 1000 kcal, rather than an upper limit independent of total energy needs for weight maintenance. Although the 2005 FGP can meet most recommended nutrient intake levels, it ...
Pulse consumption in Canadian adults influences nutrient intakes. Br J Nutr 2012; 108: S27–S36. 4 Lanza M, Bella M, Priolo A, Fasone V. Peas (Pisum sativum L.) as an alternative protein source in lamb diets: Growth performances, and carcass and meat quality. Small Rumin Res 2003; ...