The USDA National Nutrient DatabaseUnited States Department Of Agriculture
Major applications of SR include the development of the Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Surveys (FNDDS) by USDA's Food Surveys Research Group. The FNDDS is used to process 24-hour dietary recalls from the survey What We Eat in America, the dietary intake component of the National ...
USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 20 Energy ( kcal ) Content of Selected Foods per Common Measure, sorted by nutrient content NDB_No Description Weight (g) Content per Common Measure Measure 05126 11373 21074 18327 21229 10193 21089 17031 13818 21090 13073 18308 ...
The Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies (FNDDS) is developed by the Food Surveys Research Group of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to code and analyze dietary intakes from What We Eat in America (WWEIA), the dietary intake interview component of the National ...
CompositionofFoods Raw,Processed,Prepared USDANutrientDatabaseforStandardReference, Release14 July2001 U.S.DepartmentofAgriculture AgriculturalResearchService BeltsvilleHumanNutritionResearchCenter NutrientDataLaboratory 10300BaltimoreAvenue Building005,Room107,BARC-West Beltsville,Maryland20705 i U.S.Departmentof...
USDA Nutrient Database The USDA nutrition database is a great source of nutrition information. However, the data formatting options (plain text ASCII files or MS-Access) leave a little to be desired. This is a simple gem to import the database into your ruby application. Using the USDA Nut...
Nutrients were added and all nutrient values were updated based on the latest release of the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. The FNDDS can be downloaded from the FSRG website ( in both ASCII and Microsoft Access formats. It...
(redirected fromNutrient Databank Identifier) Category filter: AcronymDefinition NDBNew Development Bank(formerly BRICS Development Bank) NDBNondirectional Radio Beacon NDBNon Directional Beacon NDBNo Big Deal NDBNetwork Data Base NDBNew Data Base ...
The 2014 update of the Agricultural Research Service's USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 27, has been launched. The database is managed by scientists with the ARS Nutrient Data Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland, and is the
The USDA, NASS Cropland Data Layer (CDL) is a raster, geo-referenced, crop-specific land cover data layer with a ground resolution of 56 meters. The CDL is produced using satellite imagery from the Indian Remote Sensing RESOURCESAT-1 (IRS-P6) Advanced Wide Field Sensor (AWiFS) collected ...