英语解释 the system that includes all organs involved in reproduction and in the formation and voidance of urine 相似短语 urinary system 泌尿系统,泌尿学说 genito urinary system 【医】 生殖泌尿系统 foreign body in urinary system 泌尿系异物 echinococcosis disease of urinary system 泌尿系包虫病...
urinary system 英 [ˈjʊərɪnəri ˈsɪstəm] 美 [ˈjʊrɪneri ˈsɪstəm]网络 泌尿系统; 泌尿系统; 第十六章 泌尿系统; 泌尿系统肿瘤; 泌尿系 ...
a没关系,现在我给你一些我们产品的图片 Has not related, now I give you some our product the picture[translate] a4例复发的患者再次手术后2例仍为交界性 4 example recrudescence patient once more surgery latter 2 still for border[translate] aUrinary System 泌尿系统[translate]...
泌尿系统(urinarysystem)图 肾:泌尿器官 组成输尿管:膀胱:尿道:泌尿系统(urinarysystem)肾 一.肾(kidney)肾的一般结构 被膜 肾柱 皮质 皮质迷路 实质 肾锥体:10-18个.髓质 髓放线:伸入皮质 泌尿系统(urinarysystem)•肾叶:一个肾锥体及所属皮质•肾小叶:每个髓放线及周围的 皮质迷路•泌尿小管:...
(UrinarySystem)泌尿系统(UrinarySystem)泌尿系统 概述 一、组成 二、功肾能 输尿管1(.尿以素尿、的膀尿形胱酸式、排多出余机水体分代和谢无产机物盐)2.调节机尿体道内环境恒定和电解质 平衡 3.内分泌功能,促红细胞生成素、肾素、皮质激素等泌尿系统(UrinarySystem)泌尿系统 一、组成 泌尿系统(Urinary...
Congenital and Inherited Anomalies of the Urinary System Infectious Diseases of the Urinary System in Large Animals Noninfectious Diseases of the Urinary System in Large Animals Infectious Diseases of the Urinary System in Small Animals Noninfectious Diseases of the Urinary System in Small Animals...
Urinary system Definition noun The organ system concerned with the production and excretion ofurine Supplement An organ system, (sometimes simply system), is a group oforgansthat work together to carry out a particular task. In humans and other animals, the organ systems areintegumentary system, ...
The urinary system consists of all the organs involved in the formation and release of urine. It includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra.
Urinary System泌尿系统全英文 UrinarySystem Content CompositionAnatomyPhysiologyCommondiseaseExamination Composition KidneyUreterUrinarybladderUrethra Part1 kidney Bean-shape:aconcaveareaontheedgetowardthecentrecalledhilum,whererenalarteryentersthekidneyandrenalveinleavesit.Theuretersalsoleavethekidneysatthehilum,...
The urinary system is a series of connected organs in the human body that process and eliminate urine. The organs considered part of this system are the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra. The bladder and urethra are located in the abdomen and are connected to the kidneys by two tubes ...