Define urinary system. urinary system synonyms, urinary system pronunciation, urinary system translation, English dictionary definition of urinary system. urinary system adult human urinary system n. The bodily system consisting of the organs that produc
Definition noun The organ system concerned with the production and excretion ofurine Supplement An organ system, (sometimes simply system), is a group oforgansthat work together to carry out a particular task. In humans and other animals, the organ systems areintegumentary system, lymphatic system,...
( European Association of Urology ) Enterocystoplasty is a good surgical option with a low rate of severe complications in the treatment of children who were born with developmental abnormalities of the genitourinary system, according to the new study conducted by a group of Portuguese urologists. ...
Define urinary system, urinary tract. urinary system, urinary tract synonyms, urinary system, urinary tract pronunciation, urinary system, urinary tract translation, English dictionary definition of urinary system, urinary tract. adj. 1. Of or relating t
DefinitionAcuterenalfailure(ARF)isasyndromecharacterizedbyarelativelyrapiddeclineinrenalfunctionthatleadstotheaccumulationofwater,crystalloidsolutes,andnitrogenousmetabolitesinthebody.UrinarySystem泌尿系统全英文第30页 ClassificationPrerenalAcuteRenalFailurePostrenalAcuteRenalFailureIntrarenalAcuteRenalFailureARFUrinarySystem泌尿...
1、 Urinary System Content nComposition nAnatomy nPhysiology nCommon disease nExamination Composition Kidney Ureter Urinary bladder Urethra Part 1 kidney Bean-shape: a concave area on the edge toward the centre called hilum, where renal artery enters the kidney and renal vein leaves it. The ...
The meaning of URINARY is relating to, occurring in, affecting, or constituting the organs concerned with the formation and discharge of urine. How to use urinary in a sentence.
Urinary System Lesson Plan Ureters, Bladder & Urethra | Structures, Function & Medical Terms Urinary System Lesson for Kids: Definition & Facts How the Urinary System Maintains Homeostasis | Overview & Process Water Balance in the Body: Regulation, Dehydration & Hyperhydration Bladder Facts: Lesson ...
urinary system,group of organs of the body concerned with excretion of urine, that is, water and the waste products of metabolism. In humans, the kidneys are two small organs situated near the vertebral column at the small of the back, the left lying somewhat higher than the right. They ...
Define Uropoietic System. Uropoietic System synonyms, Uropoietic System pronunciation, Uropoietic System translation, English dictionary definition of Uropoietic System. urinary system adult human urinary system n. The bodily system consisting of the org