UrinarySystem泌尿系统 UrinarySystem泌尿系统 ★Composition ➢Kidney肾-formurine➢Ureter输尿管-conducturinefrom kidneystobladder➢Urinarybladder膀胱-receivesand storesurine➢Urethra尿道-conductsurinefrom bladdertoexteriorofbody(discharged)Kidney肾 ★Generalfeatures ➢Beanshaped,reddish-brownorgans➢...
UrinarySystem泌尿系统 ★CompositionKidney肾-formurineUreter输尿管-conducturinefromkidneystobladderUrinarybladder膀胱-receivesandstoresurineUrethra尿道-conductsurinefrombladdertoexteriorofbody(discharged)Kidney肾 ★GeneralfeaturesBeanshaped,reddish-brownorgansSuperiorextremity-broadand...
Urinary System Assignment Guidelines and Quiz Format 60個詞語 krrapp 預覽 Management of patients with Urinary Disorders 64個詞語 katief122101 預覽 Chapter 59 13個詞語 Chat0214 預覽 Zoom Check your Knowledge Chapter 20 10個詞語 BlueSirens22 預覽 Chapter 14 11個詞語 meganspohn 預覽 Erectile Dysfuncti...
The urinary system consists of all the organs involved in the formation and release of urine. It includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra.
The Urinary System:The urinary system (also known as the 'renal system') has many different functions, which include: filtering waste products out of the blood, eliminating these waste products via urination, regulating blood pressure, and maintaining proper electrolyte and pH levels in the body....
Urinarysystemcomponents构成 1.Kidney:2.Ureters3.Bladder4.Urethra 产生 produceurine cavityorgansconduct,storeandremovetheurine储存+排除 Urinarysystemfunctions泌尿系统功能 Removewasteproductsofmetabolism排除代谢产物Regulatethehomeostasisofwater,electrolyteandacid-base维持水盐平衡Secretesomebioactivefactors-renin,...
组胚学英文课件泌尿系统英文课件Urinarysystem Generaloutline ▪componenturinaryorgans:kidneysmicturitionorgans:ureter,bladderandurethra ▪function✓dischargemetabolite✓regulatethebalanceofwaterandelectrolyte✓endocrinefunction:renin,erythropoietin,prostaglandin 2024/8/4 1 Kidney 2024/8/4 GeneralstructureEachkidney...
The urinary system is comprised of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. The main functions of the urinary system and the location of each organ in the body are discussed. Urinary System The urinary system is also called the urinary tract. Organs that are part of this system ...
It is a pair of substantive organs, which looks like broad beans and is reddish brown when fresh. The size of the kidney varies from person to person. The average weight of an adult male is 134-148g, which is abou...
Related to Urinary organs: Reproductive organsurinary system adult human urinary system urinary system n. The bodily system consisting of the organs that produce, collect, and eliminate urine and including the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. American Heritage® Dictionary of the Engli...