Just out of curiosity how this opposition plays when uranus transit is conjunct MC (3rd pass ) and Jupiter transit (1st pass) is also conjunct IC? Taking into account that my 4th house is ruled by Venus and Taurus is fully on my 10th, would the opposition of Pluto in transit to natal...
Uranus conjunct Pluto transit brings radical change that can be intense and upsetting. However, this can also be a very liberating time, especially if you have felt confined by current circumstances. Powerful forces are acting that you cannot control. The key to dealing with this transit is open...
In common with the 1997 conjunction that linked in an astonishing bowl shape with Mars, Saturn and Pluto (Jupiter Meets Uranus, p. 40), this will be no “ordinary” Jupiter-Uranus event: Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 0 Aries will form a T-cross with Saturn at 28 Virgo and Pluto at 4 Cap...
So as the current transiting Uranus in Aries has been conjunct my Aries Planets, it is opposing his Libra Planets. So it makes sense why his songs click for me and why his songs have influenced my views on love and the kind of relationships I have had. It is as if we are both learn...
I have Uranus conjunct North Node in the 12th and it opposes Chron in the 6th. Both planets square my MC and IC. Even as a 7 year old I was drawn to esoterica and was determined to study it when I was old enough. This is such a fascinating article Marjorie, as are the comments....
When the Sun is exactly conjunct the Ascendant, it means that the center of the solar disc, not its top margin, is right on the geometrical horizon. Due to the atmospheric refraction of the Sun's rays, however , the whole Sun can be seen at that point in time. For the Moon, the...
Uranus conjunct Ascendant transit brings an impulsive urge for change and personal freedom. This can be a disruptive time when you leave everything behind and make a new start. Your rebellious and erratic behavior may upset your loved ones, who feel they no longer know you. Close relationships...
Uranus is conjunct Pluto by 2deg in my chart and I have also had to learn how badly words can hurt, both myself and others. In anger if I am not careful I can say horrifically cruel things. I also often inadvertently will blurt something out that really should have stayed in! On ...
Sun Square Uranus Transit Sun square Uranus transit requires open-mindedness and flexibility as you enter a stage of uncertainty. You may feel this transit as an uneasy and anxious feeling of impending change. A buildup of tension can result in unpredictable behavior on your part, which can lea...
Maybe if time has come you can also give me some advice for my coming pluto conjunct saturn transit…For me it seems we have some connection here vic as i read your posts and i was somehow concerned but in some cases not quite understanding what you really mean.Maybe you like what i ...