In the long run, Uranus conjunct Midheaven transit brings needed changes, but in the short term, it can cause nervous anxiety, depression, or addictive tendencies. You could cling to a restricting career because of misguided loyalties, unrequited love, or fear of losing security. Financial hardshi...
Venus conjunct Uranus transit brings change and excitement with love, money, or both. Your increased need for stimulation can lead to sudden changes, or you may be subject to unexpected changes around you. If things have become stagnant and routine with a partner, you are more likely to rebel...
When Uranus is conjunct Pluto a new cycle in the relationship between the human factors which these two planets symbolize begins. The cycle now ending began in 1850-51 at the time when the spread of the Industrial Revolution began to affect directly and indirectly, through colonialism, the whole...
Saturn and Pluto (Jupiter Meets Uranus, p. 40), this will be no “ordinary” Jupiter-Uranus event: Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 0 Aries will form a T-cross with Saturn at 28 Virgo and Pluto at 4 Capricorn. Mars at 1 Virgo will trine Pluto, opposes Neptune and link back to quincunx ...
The influence of Uranus on a generation is revealed through innovations, break-throughs, shifts in perception, etc. WhenPlutoand Uranus were conjunct inVirgo during the sixties, there were surprise events that shocked the world, along with social upheaval due to changing perceptions. ...
s Solar Return chart for most people, in general, making it more of a general trend than a personal one. However, it takes on more personal meaning if either Saturn or Uranus aligns with the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or Midheaven. In this case, either of the transit interpretations above ...
So as the current transiting Uranus in Aries has been conjunct my Aries Planets, it is opposing his Libra Planets. So it makes sense why his songs click for me and why his songs have influenced my views on love and the kind of relationships I have had. It is as if we are both learn...
we experienced a brief taste of Uranus in Aries last summer. The situation in the summer of 2010 was a bit different because it was conjunct Jupiter in Aries making both square to Pluto in Capricorn. Now remember folks, a square is a hard challenge. So what was going on in your Life ...
Even the tempting Grand Cross involving Mars conjunct US natal Saturn and the New Moon's IC, and Saturn snuggling near Pluto (6th house) cannot inspire me to perpetrate more typing at this late hour (1:20 am edt). Suffice to say that harsh conditions surround us. Yet mention must be ...
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