Uranus conjunct Pluto transit brings radical change that can be intense and upsetting. However, this can also be a very liberating time, especially if you have felt confined by current circumstances. Powerful forces are acting that you cannot control. The key to dealing with this transit is open...
Uranus conjunct Ascendant transit brings an impulsive urge for change and personal freedom. This can be a disruptive time when you leave everything behind and make a new start. Your rebellious and erratic behavior may upset your loved ones, who feel they no longer know you. Close relationships...
In common with the 1997 conjunction that linked in an astonishing bowl shape with Mars, Saturn and Pluto (Jupiter Meets Uranus, p. 40), this will be no “ordinary” Jupiter-Uranus event: Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 0 Aries will form a T-cross with Saturn at 28 Virgo and Pluto at 4 Cap...
I have Uranus conjunct North Node in the 12th and it opposes Chron in the 6th. Both planets square my MC and IC. Even as a 7 year old I was drawn to esoterica and was determined to study it when I was old enough. This is such a fascinating article Marjorie, as are the comments....
Just out of curiosity how this opposition plays when uranus transit is conjunct MC (3rd pass ) and Jupiter transit (1st pass) is also conjunct IC? Taking into account that my 4th house is ruled by Venus and Taurus is fully on my 10th, would the opposition of Pluto in transit to natal...
When Uranus by transit conjunct my 4th house cusp, February 23rd, I had to move out of a home I loved as it was foreclosed on and sold on February 24, 2016. The Saturn transit was square to my natal Neptune which conjuncts my 10th house cusp. I am now living in extremes. I live...
Moon Square Uranus Transit Moon square Uranus transit can cause rapid mood changes and make you erratic, irritable and impulsive. You may have little patience for anything requiring commitment or focus. A need for stimulation and excitement can make you rebel against anyone who tries to tie you ...