UPAYA HUKUM PERLINDUNGAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP OLEH KEGIATAN BENGKEL SEPEDA MOTOR DI KOTA YOGYAKARTAYogyakarta is the city of education, the newcomers; who are dominated by the students, really influence the increasing amount of the intensity of the use of motor vehicles cont...
The study was conducted in 2008 in Gianyar, Badung and Denpasar. The goal was to inventory and describing the residential waste management system conducted... I Nyoman,W Staf,P Lingkungan,... - 《Bumi Lestari》 被引量: 4发表: 2011年 加载更多站...
UPAYA REVITALISASI PERAN &BAKDALAM PELESTARIAN FUNGSI LINGKUNGANStudi kasus: Subak Jaiiluwih dan Subak KlodaTabanan, Bali, This research, is entittled "Revitalization Effort of the Role of Subak in the Preservation of Environmental". The degradation of the environmental and the weaknesses of ...
PERAN BADAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP DALAM PENGAWASANKEGIATAN USAHA LAUNDRY SEBAGAI UPAYA PENGENDALIANPENCEMARAN LINGKUNGAN DI KOTA YOGYAKARTALaundry business was developed rapidly and the waste produced could raise bad impact for the environment. The monitoring t...
EVALUASI PELAKSANAAN PHBM DALAM UPAYA PELESTARIAN HUTAN PRODUKSI DI BKPH PURWOREJO KPH KEDU SELATAN (Studi Kasus Hutan BKPH Purworejo) The reseach was conducted to evaluate the implementation of Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat (PHBM) in Bagian Kesatuan Pemangkuan Hutan (BKPH) Purworej... M...