Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Masyarakat Dalam Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup di Kelurahan Koto Panjang Ikua Koto Kecamatan Koto Tangah Kota Padang This research aimed to get information, analyze and discuss the data about the factors that affect society in the preservation of the environment in the...
PARTISIPASI PELAKU USAHA RESTORAN\\ud\nDALAM PELESTARIAN FUNGSI LINGKUNGAN\\ud\nMENURUT UU No. 23 TAHUN 1997\\ud\nDI YOGYAKARTAEnvironmental problem, of course, is a very important thing. It should be a\\udconcern of society member because it influences the preservation of our\\udenvironment...
UPAYA REVITALISASI PERAN &BAKDALAM PELESTARIAN FUNGSI LINGKUNGANStudi kasus: Subak Jaiiluwih dan Subak KlodaTabanan, Bali, This research, is entittled "Revitalization Effort of the Role of Subak in the Preservation of Environmental". The degradation of the environmental and the weaknesses of ...
PARTISIPASI PELAKU USAHA RESTORANDALAM PELESTARIAN FUNGSI LINGKUNGANMENURUT UU No. 23 TAHUN 1997DI YOGYAKARTAEnvironmental problem, of course, is a very important thing. It should be a concern of society member because it influences the preservation of our...