USAHA-USAHA PELESTARIAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP PADA MASYARAKAT BALI KUNO BERDASARKAN REKAMAN PRASASTIpreservationenvironmentOld Bali communityepigraphsThis study, which is entitled “the attempts done by the old Balinese people to preserve environment’ describes the activities done by the old ...
Sirtha, I NyomanUdayana UniversitySirtha, I. N.(2007). Peran Hukum Adat Dalam Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup Daerah (Kearifan Lokal Dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup), Denpasa: UP Universitas Udayana.
pelestarian lingkungan hidup 环保·环境保护主义 melestarikan 住·使不朽·使永存·保养·保存·保护·保持·保留·停·停留·前进·吃·吸食·喋喋不休地诉说·守恒·延伸·延续·持续·接着说·無以為繼·留·省·節約·繼·继续·继续存在·继续讲下去·继续说·维护·维持·节俭·节省·节约·走下去·进行...
needed everyday, they are able to invite their students to take care of the environment around the school and clean the beach.Keywords: karimunjawa, environmental conservation, women's roleAbstrakTujuan Penelitian adalah menganalisis peran perempuan dalam melestarikan lingkungan di Kepulauan Karimun...
Bentuk kegiatannya adalah pengasuhan anak dan pembinaan terhadap keluarga yang diperankan oleh orang tua... EA Fitrotin,Widodo - 《J+plus Unesa》 被引量: 0发表: 2013年 UPAYA REVITALISASI PERAN &BAKDALAM PELESTARIAN FUNGSI LINGKUNGANStudi kasus: Subak Jaiiluwih dan Subak KlodaTabanan, ...
The environment has a very positive role in improving the culture of healthy living among junior high school students at the Tahfizh AlQur'an Islamic Boarding School Daarul 'Uluum Lido, Bogor Regency, through environmental conservation activities. The activity is an environmental ...
IDEOLOGI PELESTARIAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP DI BALIK PEMAKAIAN SAPUT POLENG PADA POHON BESAR DI BALIsaput polengideologyenvironmenta big treeThis study concern to discuss about ideology wich talking about the used of €€saput poleng€€ in a big tree in Bali. Where for Hindus people means to ...