如果想提高英语,可以上学校的e-learning center 免费book各种课,听说读写都有。口语的话每天都有conversation cafe在主图,在development center有conversation group,这个人数更多而且会有每周固定的话题给大家讨论(认识朋友)。(之前有学姐说她呆了两年居然不知道有这些workshop。。) 很重要的一点就是要学会用facebook!
其他分支的课程可以作为选修。 EDST 5303 Learning, Problem Solving, and the Development of Expertise 任课老师:Helen,打分友好,但语速超快。课程内容主要是教育心理学的基础介绍。 评分内容:20% Quiz,20% presentation,60%论文(论文题目每年都在改)。 EDST 5314 Building Resilience in the Workplace 任课老师...
此外,UNSW的学校资源也特别丰富,比隔壁悉尼大学要丰富一些。因为学校有强大的Career and Employee departm...
From bachelor degrees and careerdevelopment short courses to postgraduate study and research-intensivedoctorates, social and professional opportunities are included no matter whatyou choose to study. Develop knowledge, experience ...
Master of Visualisation, Simulation, and Immersive Design 文学及社会科学(Arts & Social Sciences) Master of Applied Linguistics Master of Development Studies Master of Education Master of Educational Leadership Master of Environmental Management Master of International Relations ...
For example, there is an Elite Athletes and Performers program, which supports students in intergrating their academic lives with their external pursuits. Range of Experiential Learning ProgramsStudents from all faculties are invited to collaborate at the Michael Crouch Innovation Centre, a hub for ...
This pilot of the chatbot technology will be assessed for its suitability to become the primary interface for the Data Insights for Student Learning and Support project and hopefully other university functions. “All the things we’re exploring in this project are providing great case studies to as...
悉尼大学新增:Master of Professional Accouting and Business Performance 专业会计和业务绩效硕士。由于是新开设的项目,所以申请人数较少,竞争没那么激烈。此外,从2023年开始,Master of Data Science 数据科学硕士专业调整为1.5年学制,并且提供Data Engineering 数据工程和Machine Learning 机器学习两个细化专业方向。
此外,从2023开始,Master of Data Science专业调整为1.5年学制,并且提供 Data Engineering 和 Machine Learning两个细化专业方向。 悉尼大学今年对课程确实更新了很多,除了在原有的专业新增子方向以外,还新增Master of Cybersecurity专业课程,网络安全确实现在是互联网发展的大问题。
悉尼大学新增:Master of Professional Accouting and Business Performance 专业会计和业务绩效硕士。由于是新开设的项目,所以申请人数较少,竞争没那么激烈。 此外,从2023年开始,Master of Data Science 数据科学硕士专业调整为1.5年学制,并且提供Data Engineering 数据工程和Machine Learning 机器学习两个细化专业方向。