这种安排可以让你在主修领域之外,扩展自己的知识领域,增加多元化的学习体验。 5. Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Work Integrated Learning是一个6学分的实习课程,每个Major对应的课程可能不同。如果你选择了双专业,只需要修一门WIL课程即可。WIL课程通常要求你到指定的实习单位实地工作,并完成实习报告或其他形式的交付...
Accounting 专业需要学生完成上文的 8 门必修课之外,还需要 5 门 core course、2 门 Prescribed Electives、6 门 Free Electives、2 门 General Education 以及 1 门 Work Integrated Learning course 值得注意的是,商科的同学不能选择 business school 的 general 课程,想获得会计荣誉学位的同学要在 prescribed Elec...
这样可以在专业之外拓宽自己的知识领域,丰富学习经历。5⃣ Work Integrated Learning (WIL):这是一门6个学分的实习课程,每个Major对应的课程不同。如果选择Double Major,只需要选修一门即可。这门课程通常需要去指定的实习单位参加,并完成实习报告或类似的交付物。6⃣ Final Year Synthesis (FYS):这是一门6个学...
澳洲权威财经媒体《Financial Review》,通过调研澳洲各个大学【国际】和【本地】的就业数据,得出来一个澳洲路人皆知的结果,即:悉尼大学排名第一,然后悉尼UNSW也排名第一。 TheFinancial Reviewscrutinised local and international results of employment rates and salary prospects, graduate outcomes and employer opinion ...
作为许多学位课程的一部分,悉尼新南威尔士大学通过“工学结合”(Work Integrated Learning)为学生提供实习机会。这些机会都将有益于学习——让学生有机会领略到所在行业的工作场所文化,帮助学生建立一系列与其专业领域相关的技能。 如何入读 UNSW Syd...
In lectures, students will be introduced to the theoretical component of the course, learning fundamental programming concepts. During weekly workshop tutorials, students will engage in the practical component of the course, learning how to write code using the NetBeans Integrated Development Environment...
Deep learning (DL), a subset of machine learning (ML), excels in intrusion detection and is based on very accurate, complicated neural networks (NN). A CNN and BiLSTM combination is proposed in this study work, enabling the efficacy of their mixture in routine identification following ...
Students will be assigned to and, as much as possible (circumstances permitting), must work in a team of 4-6 members, aligned with one of the course learning outcomes, around teamwork. The number of members has been chosen to create a team dynamic, while not being so large that logistic...
对于本科非设计学背景:作品集要求:A 10 page A4 digital portfolio of original design work undertaken...
quantum chip design, UNSW explained. As qubits are fragile and require constant error correction, the combination is also a key requirement in creating large-scale useful quantum computing, however, this creates significant overhead in the number of physical qubits required to make the system work....