UNSW新南威尔士大学一年制硕士专业汇总。部分专业需要相关背景+相关工作经验可根据本科背景选择并查看适合的专业链接: 1、金融硕士Master of Finance 2、金融分析硕士Master of Financial Analysis - 深圳市上青云留学咨询有限公司于20231017发布在抖音,已经收获了2个喜
应用经济学硕士 (Master of Applied Economics) 应用语言学硕士 (Master of Applied Linguistics) 发展研究硕士 (Master of Development Studies) 教育学硕士 (Master of Education) 环境管理硕士 (Master of Environmental Management) 笔译硕士 (Master of Translation) 新闻与传播学硕士 (Master of Journalism and Com...
金融硕士(Master of Finance) 金融分析硕士(Master of Financial Analysis) 税务硕士(Master of Taxation) 商业硕士(Master of Commerce) 应用语言学硕士(Master of Applied Linguistic) 发展研究硕士(Master of Development Studies) 教育领导学硕士(Master of Educational Leadership) 环境管理硕士(Master of Environmental...
Master of Public Policy & Governance Master of Applied Linguistics Master of Interpreting Master of Translation Master of Translation & Interpreting Master of International Relations Master of Education Master of Educational Leadership Master of Development Studies Master of Environmental Management 广告 新南...
Master of Visualisation, Simulation, and Immersive Design 文学及社会科学(Arts & Social Sciences) Master of Applied Linguistics Master of Development Studies Master of Education Master of Educational Leadership Master of Environmental Management Master of International Relations Master of Journalism and Communi...
Master of Development Studies Master of Environmental Management 艺术与设计学学院:Art & Design 录取分数:一律72,不区分985/211以及非211。专业方向: Master of Design (要背景) Master of Simulation and Immersive Technologies (不要背景) Master of Curating and Cultural Leadership (策展,移民专业) ...
Master of Design Master of Visualisation, Simulation, and Immersive Design 文学及社会科学(Arts & Social Sciences) Master of Applied Linguistics Master of Development Studies Master of Education Master of Educational Leadership Master of Environmental Management ...
Master of Development Studies Master of Public Policy and Governance Master of International Relations 以上三个专业均为2年制,申请时需要相关专业背景 清华认证CDGDC变更 9月1日之前递交的申请按常规材料准备(毕业证学位证成绩单公证件)。 9月1日之后,所有学生需提供成绩单的清华认证,无论是否211,分以下几种情...
Master of Development Studies Master of Environmental Management 新南威尔士大学申请评估 👉 点我开始 艺术与设计学学院:Art & Design 录取分数:一律72,不区分985/211以及非211。 专业方向: Master of Design (要背景) Master of S...
专业方向:Master of ArchitectureMaster of City PlanningMaster of Landscape ArchitectureMaster of Property and DevelopmentMaster of Construction Project ManagementUrban Design/Sustainable/City Analytics等几个专业已经关掉了! 法学院:Faculty of Law 录取要求:不会区分985/211和双非院校,Master of Law (LLM)均分要...