TestName = FName(*TestString); TestName = TestText !!! 从FText到FName转换不存在,但是可以通过先转到FString,再转到FName,但是不可靠,因为FName不区分大小写。 TestText = FText::FromName(TestName) TestText = FText::FromString(TestString) 综上 4.Text宏 为何FString str = TEXT("Hello"); ...
Text_Lambda([](){ //设置文本框内容 return FText::FromString("Slate"); }) ] ]; FSlateApplication::Get().AddWindow(Window, true); //注册该窗口,并立即显示 Slate的代码风格如下: Slate 控件的类命名一般以 S开头 可以通过以下函数来快速构建Slate控件: SNew( WidgetType, ... ):通用的构造...
UnlikeFNameandFText,FStringcan be searched, modified, and compared against other strings. However, these manipulations can makeFStringsmore expensive than the immutable string classes. This is becauseFStringobjects store their own character arrays, whileFNameandFTextobjects store an in...
Internally,FTextis implemented as aTSharedRefto anITextData. This makes it very cheap to copy, and theFTextSnapshotutility provides an efficient way to detect if a cachedFTextvalue has actually changed. The data held withinFTextinstances varies, depending on how theFTextwas created. This var...
FString Str1 =TEXT("World"); int32 Val1 =123; FString Str2 = FString::Printf(TEXT("Hello, %s! You have %i points."), *Str1, Val1); FChar类型提供一系列静态工具函数来处理单独的TCHARs。 TCHARUpper('A'); TCHAR Lower = FChar::ToLower(Upper);// 'a' ...
//GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.0f, FColor::Red, FString::Printf(TEXT("Print Message this is %f"), 2.3f)); GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.0f, FColor::Red, FString(UTF8_TO_TCHAR(szInfo))); } void PrintLogWarning(const char* lpszFormat, ...) ...
DrawDebugLine(GetWorld(), START, END, FColor::Green); 调试文本 #包括“Engine/Engine.h” FString MyDebugString = FString::Printf(TEXT(“MyVelocity(%s)”), *MyVelocity.ToCompactString()); GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(INDEX_NONE, 0.f, FColor::Yellow, MyDebugString, false, FVector2D:...
FString, FName, FText There are three types of ‘strings’ in Unreal Engine that are used for distinctly different things. It’s important to select the right type for the job or you’ll suffer later. The most common problem is using FString for UI text instead ofFText, this will be ...
Every header now includes everything it needs to compile - There is a CoreMinimal.h header that contains a set of ubiquitous types from Core (eg. FString, FName, TArray, FVector, etc...), which is now included first by most headers. Every .cpp file includes its matching .h file ...
TSharedRef<TJsonReader<>> Reader = TJsonReaderFactory<>::Create(FString(UTF8_TO_TCHAR(data))); FJsonSerializer::Deserialize(Reader, JsonObject); if (eventType == ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_ENTER_ROOM) { int32 result = JsonObject->GetIntegerField(TEXT("result")); FString error_inf...