通过设置Brush,可以是颜色块,也可以是图片 FSlateWindowElementList& ElementList, uint32 InLayer, const FPaintGeometry& PaintGeometry, const FSlateBrush* InBrush, ESlateDrawEffect InDrawEffects = ESlateDrawEffect::None, const FLinearColor& InTint = FLinearColor::White ); static void MakeRotatedBox...
Note: In Unreal Engine, the range of the RGB channels is 0.0 to 1.0. However, in most other applications, the range of the RGB channels is 0 to 255. These are just different ways of displaying the same information and does not mean Unreal Engine’s color range is smaller. 注意:在虚幻...
在创建媒体播放器(Create Media Player) 窗口中,启用 视频输出媒体纹理资源(Video out Media Texture asset) 选项,然后单击 确定(OK)。 这样将创建一个 媒体纹理(Media Texture) 资源,并自动将其指定给我们正在创建的媒体播放器。此媒体纹理负责播放媒体内容,我们可以使用它来创建一个 材质,在本指...
45_质量切换- Quality Switch in Unreal Engine 4 05:33 46_绕轴旋转- Rotate About Axis in Unreal Engine 4 09:01 47_球面罩- Sphere Mask in Unreal Engine 4 10:21 48_正弦%2F余弦- Sine %2F Cosine in Unreal Engine 4 04:45 49_WTF Is_ Material - Abs in Unreal Engine 4 ...
realScaleAmount to scale the entire texture (horizontally and vertically) booleanScale PositionWhether the "Scale" parameter should also scale the position of this draw call. realRotationAmount to rotate this quad vector2d structRot PivotLocation (as proportion of quad, 0-1) to rotate about ...
AntialiasedTextureMask 抗锯齿纹理蒙版(AntialiasedTextureMask)表达式允许您使用软(抗锯齿)过渡蒙版来创建材质。此蒙版可用来在两个复杂材质属性之间混合,或者使alpha混合材质淡出(适合与"软屏蔽"配合使用)。您只需指定在其中一个通道(红色、绿色、蓝色或alpha)中指定了蒙版的材质,在此表达式中...
在BaseEngine.ini 的 XboxOneRuntimeSettings 区块下中将 bBuildForD3D12 设置为 true 在XboxOneShaderCompiler.cpp 将 D3D12_ROOT_SIGNATURE 设置为 1 在PostProcessSelectionOutline.usf 内注释掉 GetSamplePosition (XboxOne 上尚不支持) 重新生成并开启!
Update: Support for Unreal Engine 4.25 (and dropped support for earlier versions) Update: Support for Oculus Quest + Link New feature: Table navigation (zoom, rotate) with controller thumbstick New feature: Free movement (in view direction, also vertically and in-air) with controller thumbstick ...
Rotate About Axis绕轴旋转 在围绕坐标轴旋转表达旋转给定的旋转轴线,在轴线上的一个点,并且角度旋转的三信道向量的输入。对于使用WorldPositionOffset的动画,其质量比简单剪切效果更好的动画很有用。 在上面的示例中,预览平面似乎在其垂直轴上旋转。 SphereMask球面膜 ...
rotated_in_source_image(bool): [Read-Write] This texture is rotated in the atlas snap_pivot_to_pixel_grid(bool): [Read-Write] Should the pivot be snapped to a pixel boundary? sockets(Array[PaperSpriteSocket]): [Read-Write] List of sockets on this sprite ...